聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父
聖パウロはエフェゾ人への書簡で、結婚している人々へ勧告を与えるに当たって、結婚の美しさについて語っています。彼はエフェゾ人への書簡5章32節でこう書いています。「結婚は偉大な秘蹟である。私がそう言うのは、キリストと教会についてである」。秘蹟とは何でしょうか? それは目に見えない超自然の現実についての目に見えるしるしです。婚姻の現実とは何でしょうか? それは、単に男と女の間の目に見える愛よりも、さらに真実でさらに深くさらに美しいものを表現しているのです。それはキリストと教会の間の愛を表現しているのです。結婚の秘蹟の背後には、キリストと教会の間の恩寵のきずなが、民に対する天主の愛があるのです。聖パウロは、さらに具体的に、キリストは夫であって、教会は妻であると言います。父親は、自分の家族の中で、善、模範、指導力において主の代理をするものだということです。妻は、特に子どもたちの敬虔さと救いを気に掛けるという点において、教会の代理をするものだということです。聖パウロは、次のような美しい勧告を与えています。「夫よ、キリストが教会を愛したように妻を愛せよ」(エフェゾ5章25節)「教会がキリストに従うように、妻よ、すべてにおいて自分の夫に従え」(エフェゾ5章24節)。
Sermon for Holy Family 2020
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX
This beautiful Feast of the Holy Family presents us with the ideal of family and how noble is the state of matrimony. It is most necessary not only perpetuate the human race, this is from a natural perspective, but most important to perpetuate the members of the Church which has as its goal the salvation of souls. It begins with the family. The order in the Catholic life will direct all the souls in the family; Father, Mother and children to their final destination; Heaven. Even from the perspective that the governments of the world see it important to attempt to regulate matrimony to form citizens according to the ideal of the world. This is without any regard for the natural or supernatural viewpoints for they allow everything which is harmful and which kills the family or matrimony. Contraception, divorce, pornography, homosexuality and abortion. This feast of the Holy Family is especially a feast for our time when all these problems plague our society and really strike at the core by attacking the Catholic Family. It is good to review the beauty of Holy Matrimony.
Humans are social. They need others. In the Garden of Paradise, before the fall of Adam, God said “It is not good for man to be alone.” He formed Eve out the rib of Adam. A match made by God. Truly joined in every way. This is the institution of marriage. The family is the basic unit of all societies. The health of the society depends on the health of the units making up the society. The family is where everyone learns order and piety. In sacred scripture, there is recorded many instances when marriage is not respected then society quickly declines. The first example is with the flood and Noah. There was a lack of respect for matrimony and then the people turned themselves from God and there followed a destruction in their societies.
Our Lord, when He was on earth raised Matrimony to the dignity of a sacrament. Marriage is a contract, an agreement between two persons on the natural level, but the sacrament of matrimony is much higher. It is a means of dispensing and receiving grace which will last throughout the lives of those who receive it. It elevates man from a natural state to a supernatural state. We can take the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. One who does not have the Sacrament of Baptism, does not have life in their soul. It has still the mark of the original sin. Once one receives the Sacrament of Baptism, the original sin is taken away, the soul is adopted by God. A new life begins, one that is higher, one that is on the spiritual plane, one that is supernatural.
Now it is part of the marriage contract on the natural level to beget children. Natural marriage begets children of this world. But the Sacrament of Matrimony begets children of the kingdom of God. This is the primary purpose of marriage, to beget children that will receive God’s grace so that they will be His children and extend His Kingdom on earth and then finally in Heaven as well.
St. Paul speaks of the beauty of Marriage in Ephesians in giving an exhortation to the married. He writes in Ephesians 5:32 “Marriage is a great sacrament, but I speak in regard to Christ and the Church.” What is a sacrament? It is a visible sign of an invisible supernatural reality. What is the reality of Matrimony? It depicts something more true and deeper and beautiful than just the visible love between a man and woman. It depicts the love between Christ and His Church. Behind the sacrament of marriage is the bond of grace between Christ and His Church, the love of God for his people. St. Paul further specifies that Christ is the Husband and the Church is the wife. The father is meant to represent Our Lord in his family in His goodness, example and leadership. The wife is to represent the church especially in the solicitousness for piety and salvation of the children. St. Paul gives the beautiful exhortation “Husbands love your wife as Christ has loved the Church” and “as the Church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their husbands in all things.”
How wonderful the home life is if the children recognize Christ in their father and the Church in their mother. The most important part of the home is the life of sanctifying grace that is for all its members. Sanctifying grace must be the life of the family, it is like the oil that keeps a machine running properly or it is the life giving sap that a tree produces to give life to its branches. A true Catholic is a sanctuary where God truly dwells, in each of its members in the state of grace and in the home. There is a likeness in the marriage that bears resemblance to the Holy Trinity. Holy Matrimony is dependent on the Church for direction and growth and Church derives her life and spirit from the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is marked by the number three and in Holy Matrimony there is three as well, father, mother and children. But the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony is not just a symbol of the Holy Trinity but is an effective means originating from the Holy Trinity to lead men to the Holy Trinity. Marriage brings men to the church and then to God. Let us continue to pray especially today for Holy Families for their protection, guidance and perseverance that they may lead many souls through Our Lady to the Holy Trinity forever.