聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父
聖ピオ十世会司祭 ピーター・フォルティン神父
カトリック信者として、私たちは、この「最も良いぶどう酒」を飲むことができるという大変な幸運に恵まれています。贖い主である私たちの主の近くにいることができ、また主の恩寵によって主と一致することができるという喜びは、私たちの最大の喜びでなければなりません。主はいつも、もっと近くに来るよう人を招いておられます。「労苦する人、重荷を負う人は、すべて私のもとに来るがよい。私はあなたたちを休ませよう。・・・私のくびきは快く、私の荷は軽い」(マテオ11章28、30節)。主が私たちに与えてくださる恩寵によって、私たちは聖なる洗礼で主の御国を嗣ぐ者である天主の子と呼ばれる尊厳を与えられます。私たちは、この偉大な尊厳を誇りとすべきであり、キリストが今までとっておいてくださったこの最も良いぶどう酒を感謝して受けるべきです。この恩寵は、人を本当に変えて、キリストを真似て高潔にふるまうように人を高める恩寵です。ジャン・バプティスト・ド・ラ・サールによって創立された「キリスト教学校修士会」(ラ・サール会)の会員である、ある修道士のお話があります。大柄で第二の回心の恩寵を受けたこの修道士は、孤児たちのために施しを求める仕事をまかされました。夜、この修道士は酒場に行って施しを求めました。彼がそのためにある男に近づくと、その男は彼の顔につばを吐いて、これがおまえにやるすべてだと言いました。修道士は落ち着いて顔のつばをぬぐうと、その男に対して、これは私にいただいたものですが、孤児たちのためには何をいただけるのでしょうか、と言ったのです。信じられない行いです! 彼は仕返しをしなかったのです! 普通の人なら暴力的な方法で仕返しをしたかもしれませんが、主の恩寵によって高められた人は尊厳をもって行動するのです。

2nd Sunday Epiphany 2020 Japan
“Thou hast kept the best wine until now”
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX
“Thou hast kept the best wine until now”
Fr Peter Fortin, FSSPX
The Gospel presents us with the third manifestation of the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ in this wedding feast of Cana. The first two manifestations or Epiphany of Our Lord respectively, the manifestation of Our Lord to the Magi, who represent the Gentiles celebrated on January 6 and the Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord, in which the Holy Trinity is revealed and the Father manifests His Eternal Love for the Son. For this particular Sunday the liturgy stresses the love that God has for us before He embarks on His public life. It is worth noting that in the order of time, this is the first miracle that Our Lord performs and the very First sacrament that is instituted, that of Holy Matrimony. For this Sunday, the church wishes us to focus on the love of God for us and His grace which is an expression of this Love.
The reason for this first miracle and the institution of this first sacrament is to impress on our minds the very real and deep union that God by His love and grace wishes to have with His Church, the love between God and souls. If we think of love, and what it is. To want what is good for the other, to desire those things that the beloved desire, to become united perfectly in all thoughts, desires and actions to the point of being one in union. Putting aside all self interest out of love for another. This type of love or union describes the love that exists between groom and bride in marriage. Which is why Our Lord begins His public life and institutes firstly the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony that we may come to realize and appreciate this love of Our Lord Jesus Christ before His preaching, institution of other sacraments, other miracles and His Passion. That we may know of the intent of Our Lord and love as expressed by Our Lord.
Recounting the wedding of Cana, it is most likely Our Lady who was invited to the marriage feast and Our Lord is with her. This act of Our Lord shows the affability of Our Lord, to accept a kind invitation and to celebrate. It is Our Lady who observes the needs of those attending the feast. We could imagine what it might have been like, an embarrassment and somewhat inconvenience for the wine to be finished. Our Lord at Our Lady’s kind request performs this miracle. Our Lady informs Our Lord, “they have no wine” and then instructs the attendants “do as He asks.” The attendants fill the containers with water and then Our Lord asks them to draw from one of the containers and to bring to the steward. And when he tasted, he realized that it was the best wine that he had ever drank. He said “Thou has kept the best wine until now.” In a material and spiritual sense this is miracle a communication of God’s love. His love is established and presented as represented by the marriage and it is communicated by this changing of water into wine representing His grace.
As Catholics we are very fortunate to drink of this “best wine”. To have the joy of the closeness to Our Lord and Redeemer and union by His grace must be our greatest joy. Our Lord always beckons man to come closer. “Come to me all you who are burdened and heavily laden and I will refresh you. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light.” By the grace that He offers to us we are made dignified to be called His children at Holy Baptism being an heir to His kingdom. We must be proud of this great dignity and relish in it, this best wine that Christ has kept until now. This grace which really changes man and elevates him to act in a virtuous manner to act Christ like. There is a story of a brother as a member of Christian Brothers founded by Jean Baptiste de la Salle. This brother, who was of large stature and received the grace of a second conversion was tasked with begging for alms for the orphans. He went to the taverns at night to beg. One man whom the brother approached spat in face of the brother and said this is all I will give to you. The brother calmly wiped the spittle from his face and said this is for me and then asked the man, what will you give for my orphans. Incredible! He didn’t react! Naturally a man might react in a violent manner, but man elevated by Our Lord’s grace acts in a dignified manner.
This love that God has for us is meant to be made known and spread to all others. We prove our love for Our Lord through neighbor. The more difficult it is to serve our neighbor the more that we return our love for Our Lord. From the epistle “Love one another with the charity of the brotherhood. Treat one another with reverence.” We have many examples from the lives of the saints to illustrate love for neighbor. An example of a more recent time is of Damien of Molokai. He offered willingly to work amongst the lepers in Hawaii, knowing full well the deprivations and sufferings that it entailed. And yet he wished this for their salvation. We can think of the horrible disease which cause the awful sight of rotting flesh and the horrible odor that follows. In the Old Testament, the lepers of the Jewish race were cast out of society without help or assistance. However by God’s grace, Damien, the Apostle of the Lepers, wishes to spend his days caring for them physically that he might cure them spiritually after the manner of Our Lord. “No greater love than a man to lay down His life for friend.” Truly heroic after the example of Our Lord. Spending the rest of his days with the most miserable and destitute and abandoned and condemning himself to the same fate in order to bring God’s love and grace to others.
We drink deeply especially of this best wine every time that we attend the Holy Mass. For it is Our Lord Who is present and Who comes to us and He desires that we receive Him in order to bring us life in abundance by His sharing His life with us that we may have life and have it abundantly. We go especially to Our Lady who wishes nothing more than to bring us to the best wine, the grace of Our Lord through the Holy Sacraments.