キリストの謙遜という第一の点について考えると、私たちがまず思うのは、キリストがゆりかごの中に寝ておられ、私たちができる限り天主に近づく望みをもって、いかにキリストのおそばに行くことができるようになっているか、ということです。そして、今日の福音の聖シメオンのことを考えると、この人は非常に年老いており、長い祈りや苦行を重ね、メシアの到来を真に望み、一生涯にわたってただメシアを目にすることばかりを祈り続けていたところ、私たちの主が彼のところにおいでになるのです。 聖シメオンは、信仰の目で、これこそが幼子キリストであることを知ります。メシアを目にするばかりが、メシアをお抱きすることができたことが彼にとっていかに大きな喜びであったかを想像してみて下さい。彼の祈りが答えられ、彼の望みが満たされたのです。この瞬間、聖シメオンはこう言って、この世の生活に喜んで別れを告げます。「みことばどおり、主よ、今こそ、あなたのしもべを安らかに死なせてください。私の目は、もう主の救いを見ました。」(ルカ2章29-30節)
Fr. Peter Fortin, FSSPX
During the Octave of Christmas, there are several beautiful feasts, such as St. Stephen, St. John the Apostle and the Holy Innocents. From the readings for this Sunday within the Octave of Christmas it suggests that we must remain in silence and meditation of the mystery of the Holy Nativity. It is a very special scene of the second greatest mystery of the Liturgical Year, that God would leave His Heavenly throne and take upon Himself human nature, becoming as it were a slave and then His throne will be in the manger. There is suggested in the Liturgy that all creation, angels, men and all of nature is in silent adoration of God who is on earth. Our thoughts are still to be at the crib and ask why? Why Christ in the crib? St. Augustine sums up the mystery with that “God became man, that man might become God. That is that God would humble Himself and that man would be made noble. The sermon will consider these two points, the Humility of Christ and the nobility of man.
In regards to the first point concerning the humility of Christ, we consider Him laying in the crib and how we are meant to approach him with our aspirations to be close as possible to God. Then we consider the gospel for today, St. Simeon, very old and accustomed to long prayers and penances and how he really yearned for the Messiah and prayed his whole life that he might just be able look upon Him and then Our Lord comes to Him. Through his eyes of faith St. Simeon knows that this is the Christ Child. Imagine the great joy to be able to not only look upon Him but to hold Him. His prayers answered, his aspirations fulfilled. St. Simeon is glad to depart from this life after this moment. He says “Now thou canst dismiss thy servant in peace, for my eyes have seen thy salvation.”
There is more to what St. Simeon says. He foretells of the prophecy of the death of Christ and the sufferings of His Mother. He prophesies to Our Lady “This child is set for the fall and the resurrection of many in Israel and for a sign which will be opposed. And a sword shall pierce thy heart, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” It seems a rather sobering tone especially at such a joyous time as a celebration of a new birth and then is mention of the impending cruel death. Why is this? It is the harsh reality that is why Our Lord Jesus Christ became Man, was born, so that He could suffer and die.
The entire life of Christ is going to be a sacrifice. From crib to cross, it will be a type of procession filled with prayers, sacrifices, penances until the highest moment when He is raised on the cross and dies. St. Paul writes beautifully in Hebrews (10:5-7) “Sacrifice and oblation, thou did not desire anymore; but a body thou has fitted me with; holocausts for sin did not please Thee. Then I said: Behold, I come….” Meaning all the other sacrifices of the Old Testament were not really pleasing to God, only true sacrifice of Christ. Which is why Our Lord humbles Himself, so that He can offer the sacrifice of His own Life.
The second point for today is that God humbles Himself so that man can elevated. Another way to put it is that God becomes a child that we might be called children of God. St. Paul writes, “But when the fulness of time came, God sent His Son made of woman, subject to the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” Meaning that God sends Our Lord that we might also become through adoption children of God. Through the birth of Christ we were made children of God, receiving the adoption of sons. No longer servants but beloved children of the Father.
The first born and beloved of the Father is Our Lord. On Mount Thabor and at the Baptism of Our Lord the Father reveals His great Love for His Son “This is my Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.” The whole mission of Our Lord was to do the will of the Father for His glory. He even says “It is my meat to do the will of My Father.”
Adam in the garden of Paradise was a beloved child of the Father but was lead astray by the devil and his own pride. But now the Son of God has become a child of man in order that Man can be a child of God. It is Our Lord Jesus Christ, who by His passion and death will establish this link of a child with Father at the moment of His death on the cross. By the Holy Sacrament we become truly children of God. God dwells inside. We have the mark of the Christ, the beloved on our soul. Our Lord will show again what it is for man to be a child of God. Let us strive to realize that we are truly children of Our Father in Heaven and to render Him Obedience, and love as Our Lord Jesus Christ knowing that through the Holy Feast of the Nativity that we are able to become children of God.