Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

今日、2020年6月3 日は、六月の初水曜日(月の初めての水曜日)です 聖ヨゼフ!我らのために祈り給え

2020年06月03日 | カトリックとは







聖ヨゼフの帯 cingulum Sancti Joseph




1 ああいと潔き御母マリアの浄配、栄えある聖ヨゼフよ、御身のいと清き妻を失なわんと心に思い煩いし時の苦しみはいと大いなるものなりき。

2 ああいと幸いなる保護者聖ヨゼフよ、御身は人となり給いし御言葉の潔き養父の位にあげられたれども、御身は幼きイエズスがいと貧しき中に生まれ給うを見て大いに悲しみ給いしが、

3 ああ御摂理にいと従順なしもべなる、栄えある聖ヨゼフよ、幼きイエズスが割礼にて流されたる尊き御血は御身の心を苦痛もて貫きたれども、

4 ああいと忠誠なる聖ヨゼフよ、御身は救世の玄義の成就に身をもって大いなる役を果たされしが、シメオンの預言によりイエズスとマリアが受け給うべき苦難を予知せられ苦しみ給いたれど、

5 ああ人となり給いし天主の御子のいとも注意深き保護者なる栄えある聖ヨゼフよ、御身はいと高きものの御子を養い給い、これに仕えるために多くの辛酸をなめられたり。わけてもそのエジプトへの逃避はいと苦しきものなりしが、

6 ああこの地上の天使なる栄えある聖ヨゼフよ、御身は御身の心を天の王に全く捧げられたり。御身がエジプトより戻られる喜びは、アルケラウスに対する憂慮にて不安の闇となりしが、

7 ああ全ての徳の鑑なる栄えある聖ヨゼフよ、御身は御身の誤りにあらずして幼きイエズスを見失い、三日の間苦しみもて捜し求められたり。

交唱 イエズスが教えをはじめたりしは三十歳ごろなり、人々、イエズスをヨゼフの子なりと思いたり。(ルカ3:23)

V 聖ヨゼフ、我らの為に祈り給え。
R キリストの御約束に我らをかなわしめ給え。

祈願 天主、御身のかしこき御摂理のうちに祝せられたヨゼフを至聖なるマリアの浄配に選び給いたれば、願わくはこの世の我らの保護者として崇め奉る彼が、我らの天のとりなし手となり給わんことを。 アーメン。

サンタフェ~奇跡の階段 コラレス通り1丁目 この記事に昔の階段の様子の写真があります。



i. St. Joseph, pure spouse of most holy Mary, the trouble and anguish of thy heart were great, when, being in sore perplexity, thou wast minded to put away thy stainless spouse: but this joy was inexpressible when the archangel revealed to thee the high mystery of the Incarnation.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee comfort our souls now and in their last pains with the consolation of a well-spent life, and a holy death like unto thine own, with Jesus and Mary at our side.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

ii. St. Joseph, Blessed Patriarch, chosen to the office of Father of the Word made Man, the pain was keen that thou didst feel when thou didst see the Infant Jesus born in abject poverty; but thy pain was changed into heavenly joy when thou didst hear the harmony of angel-choirs, and behold the glory of that night when Jesus was born.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee obtain for us, that, when the journey of our life is ended, we too may pass to that blessed land where we shall hear the angel-chants, and rejoice in the bright light of heavenly glory.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

iii. St. Joseph, who wast ever most obedient in executing the law of God, thy heart was pierced with pain when the Precious Blood of the Infant Saviour was shed at His Circumcision; but with the Name of Jesus new life and heavenly joy returned to thee.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us, that, being freed in our life from every vice, we too may cheerfully die, with the sweet Name of Jesus in our hearts and on our lips.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

iv. St. Joseph, faithful Saint, who wast admitted to take part in the redemption of man; the prophecy of Simeon foretelling the sufferings of Jesus and Mary caused thee a pang like that of death; but at the same time his prediction of the salvation and glorious resurrection of innumerable souls filled thee with a blessed joy.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, help us with thy prayers to be of the number of those who, by the merits of Jesus and his Virgin Mother, shall be partakers of the resurrection to glory.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

v. St. Joseph, watchful Guardian, friend of the Incarnate Son of God, truly thou didst greatly toil to nurture and to serve the Son of the Most High, especially in the flight thou madest with Him unto Egypt; yet didst thou rejoice to have God Himself always with thee, and to see the overthrow of the idols of Egypt.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us grace to keep far out of the reach of the enemy of our souls, by quitting all dangerous occasions, that so no idol of earthly affection may any longer occupy a place in our hearts, but that, being entirely devoted to the service of Jesus and Mary, we may live and die for them alone.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

vi. St. Joseph, angel on earth, who didst so wonder to see the King of heaven obedient to thy bidding, the consolation thou hadst at His return was disturbed by the fear of Archelaus, but nevertheless, being reassured by the angel, thou didst go back and dwell happily at Nazareth, in the company of Jesus and of Mary.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us, that, having our hearts freed from idle fears, we may enjoy the peace of a tranquil conscience, dwelling safely with Jesus and Mary, and dying at last between them.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

vii. St. Joseph, example of all holy living, when, though without blame, thou didst lose Jesus, the Holy Child, thou didst search for Him for three long days in great sorrow, until with joy unspeakable thou didst find him, who was as thy life to thee, amidst the doctors in this Temple.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee with our whole heart so to interpose always in our behalf, that we may never lose Jesus by mortal sin; and if (which God avert) we are at any time so wretched as to do so, that we pray thee to aid us to seek Him with such ceaseless sorrow until we find Him, particularly in the hour of our death, that we may pass from this life to enjoy Him for ever in heaven, there to sing with thee His divine mercies without end.
Pater, Ave, and Gloria.

Ant. Jesus Himself was about thirty years old, being, as was supposed, the son of Joseph.

V. Pray for us, holy Joseph.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O God, who in Thine ineffable providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the husband of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may have him for our intercessor in heaven, whom on earth we venerate as our holy protector. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

聖体は全能の天主である The Eucharist is the Omnipotent

2020年06月03日 | カトリックとは

テニエール神父著『聖体の黙想』 (1953年) (Révérend Père Albert Tesnière (1847-1909))より



 礼拝 人とおなりになった御言葉を礼拝しよう。御言葉は全能なる御者である。 『万物は彼によらずして、なりしものひとつもあらず』 と書かれてあるこの全能者が、至聖なる聖体の中にまことにおいでになるのである。







感謝 この全能の奇跡はさらに他の多くの不思議を生み、そしてそのすべてが私たちのためになされ、全能者の御力を絶えずあらわしている。 それによって、私たちの感謝は、これらを思いめぐらすときに、さらにいちだんと増加するのである。


 ああ、救い主なるホスチアよ(O Salutaris Hostia)、御身が全能な御者でおいでになることは疑いない。同時に私は深い感謝の念をもって、御身があらゆる慈愛の源であることを讃えよう。

償い このように聖体の秘跡がその全能の力をおあらわしになるのは、私たちの弱さを助けるためであるのに、嘆かわしいことには、この秘跡に向かって大きな罪が犯されることはまれではないのである。それは多くの人々がこれを無視し、これをあなどって、これを全く無力無為なものと化してしまうからである。



祈願 この悲しい状態からのがれるために求めるべき恩恵、しなければならない決心は、これから常にいっさいを、聖体により、聖体とともに、聖体の中において(per Ipsum et cum Ipso et in Ipso)することである。すなわち祈りによって聖体ともっと一致して生活し、信頼をもってもっとこれにより頼み、万事についてさらにこれを利用することである。そうすれば全能な天主は私たちの従順をよみして、多くの不思議を行なわれるであろう。聖体のおおいの陰に隠れておいでになる御者は、ご自身がまことに天地の創造主であり、また、主宰者でおいでになることをお示しになるであろう。

実行 何ごとをするにも常に聖体の中にまします天主の御助けを願ってこれを始めよう。

VI The Eucharist is the Omnipotent

I. Adoration. 

Adore the Word made flesh, this Word which is the Almighty, since "all things were made by Him, and without Him was made nothing that was made," really and substantially present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 

Acknowledge Him in the weakness of the Sacrament which appears so powerless, being devoid of all exterior action, of all perceptible strength, and yet, if you look more closely and with a more lively faith, you will see that the Eucharist is one of the most striking manifestations of the omnipotence of God. 

Omnipotence is that attribute of God by means of which He can effect all that He wills. His principal work is the creation of the world, when He made all that is out of nothing, both in heaven and on earth, without preexisting matter, without means, simply by an application of His infinite power, exterior to the super-adorable circle in which move the three divine Persons, and by a word which manifested His sovereign action. 

The three marvels which shine in honor of omnipotence, in the greatest marvel of creation, consist in the infirmity, the powerlessness of the starting point: nothingness; in the simplicity and extreme energy of the means: the will and the word of God; in the perfection and the value of the works produced : heaven and its luminous worlds, the earth and its inexhaustible fecundity, man with his reason, the angels in their strength and the beauty of their spiritual nature. 

Well, behold marvels greater still shining forth in the Eucharist, and you will recognize the Omnipotent. What is man in relation to God ? Less than nothing; man nevertheless commands, and God obeys. What is the bread with its appearances, in regard to the adorable flesh of the Man-God? It is nevertheless this bread which through the influence of a few words is about to become the flesh of Jesus Christ, and to envelop Him and contain Him under its appearances. 

It is, in fact, at the sound of the human voice, whispering a few syllables, that this marvel of the production of the Eucharist is performed. These few words suffice to subdue and to bow down vanquished and obedient the opposition of the most powerful of natural forces: quantity, extension, place, time. These words are repeated every hour, without an effort, even perhaps with distractions, by all priests; each time they reproduce the same operation, and obtain the same victory over nature. 

And this work of power, what is it ? The marvel of marvels, the work of ages, the triumph of the right hand of the Most High, the masterpiece of the Holy Spirit, the Incarnate Word, at once perfect God and ideal man, the typical man, Our Lord Jesus Christ !

Ah! how entirely this work, in its unique splendor, makes all other works of the Most High pale and insignificant! The Holy Spirit confesses it and wills that we should adore it as the epitome of all His marvels. How powerful God is, contemplated by the light of the Eucharist! 

II. Thanksgiving. 

This marvel of omnipotence is active; it produces other marvels which are all of them performed for our good, and which, by still more revealing the Almighty, ought to increase our gratitude. 

Although produced to-day, the Host contains the whole part of the Saviour; it renews by the sacrificial act in reality His passion and His death with all their effects of redemption. And food of unique form and sweetness, it is adapted to the most contradictory needs, giving life and death, strength and sweetness, appeasing and exciting, grieving and rejoicing, according to the desire and the end of each. A material aliment, it is upon souls that it acts, that its spiritual effects are produced; its marvellous fruits are the conversion and the transformation of sinners, the perseverance of the most feeble of Christians and of the most exposed, heroic patience, the apostolate and martyrdom ; it is it also which renders the Church one, holy and immortal. It possesses the virtue of raising up men who will reproduce it to the end of all things. Lastly, it is it which sanctifies agony, triumphs over death, and opens heaven ! 

"Oh salutary Host," how true it is that Thou art omnipotent! But also how thankfully I proclaim that Thou art all goodness! 

III. Reparation. 

The great sin, in which there are many degrees, against the Omnipotence of the Sacrament, which only shows us its power that it may be a help to our weakness, is to neglect it, to disdain it, and to reduce it, with respect to the good which it might do us, to a sorrowful inaction. 

For it will produce its powerful effects of sanctifioation in us only if we draw near to it, if we receive it, giving up ourselves freely to its action, instead of this, we count on ourselves, we seek after human means, we rest upon the creature, in a word, we remain in ourselves and not in Him, though He has said, "Without Me you can do nothing." And bearing no fruits as long as we live in the world, we are good for nothing when the Sovereign Master snatches us away from it but to be cast into the fire like useless vine-shoots. 

How long shall we inflict on the Omnipotence of the Host the injury of refusing His help, His strength, and to accuse Him of powerlessness by our lamentable falls or our equally sad lukewarmness ? 

IV. Prayer. 

The remedy for this evil, the grace to ask for, the resolution to make, is to ask henceforth "by the Eucharist, with the Eucharist, in the Eucharist: per Ipsum et cum Ipso et in Ipso.

It is to live more closely united with it by prayer, to have recourse to it with confidence; it is to employ it more for others. It is then that the Almighty, finding in us docile instruments, will accomplish marvels, and will reveal that He who is hidden by the sacramental veils is indeed the Creator and the master of heaven and of earth. 


To undertake nothing without recommending ourselves explicitly to the Almighty of the Sacrament. 


