Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

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2020年06月02日 | カトリック・ニュースなど




「聖マリアへの真の信心で得られる7つの効果6つ目と7つ目」 2020年5月31日、聖霊降臨の主日に東京で録画した小野田神父のメッセージ

2020年06月02日 | お説教・霊的講話




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【聖体の黙想】聖体は地上における愛の中心であって信者の結合の鎖である The Eucharist is the Centre of Charity

2020年06月02日 | カトリックとは

テニエール神父著『聖体の黙想』 (1953年) (Révérend Père Albert Tesnière (1847-1909))より



 礼拝 天主の光栄と人の弱さとの間におかれた秘跡のおおいの陰からあなたをながめ、あなたの声を聞かれる救い主の御面影を心に描いて、主が使徒らの群れに取り囲まれ、最後の晩餐をおとりになったときのみ教えを聞こう。 『なんじら相愛すべし、これわがおきてなり。わがなんじらを愛せしごとく、なんじら相愛すべし。なんじら相愛せば、人みなこれによりて、なんじらのわが弟子たることを知らん。なんじらわれにとどまれ、わが愛にとどまれ』 と。旧約のモイゼの掟(おきて)にかわるこの新約の愛の掟が、主の最後のご遺言であったことは明白である。主はこの御言葉を愛の最大の奇跡を行われたその場で発せられ、聖体の秘跡の中に、私たちがこの掟を守るに必要な恩恵をこめてくださり、またこの秘跡によって、主の愛の記憶を世々に至るまでおつづけになるのである。
 実に聖体は、イエズス・キリストのご生涯、ご事業、ご聖徳、御功力の完成であって、それ以外の何ものでもない。主はすべての人々に御身を与えようと聖体をおふやしになり、これをいつまでもつづけようと聖体の中に絶えず生きておいでになり、どこでもまたなんぴとにも恵みを与えようと、あらゆる場所に聖体をお広めになった。もともと人間は主の敵であったが、慈愛深くも主は私たちに 『友よ』 と呼びかけになるのである。

 感謝 イエズス・キリストのみ教えの中には、父なる天主を愛する義務に次いで、他人を兄弟のように愛することが、最も幸福な義務として示されている。このみ教えの中にこそ、私たちは聖心の愛、すなわち、永遠無窮の天主、御子が人のために自らすすんで肉とおなりになった聖心の愛の深さをさとることができるのである。

 償い 莫然と隣人に対する愛を黙想するだけでなく、あなた自身がこれをどのように実行したかを糾明すべきである。他人を尊敬し、彼を愛したか、祈りと善業とをもって他人に霊的および肉体的の助けを与えただろうか、他人によい模範を示したか、他人の欠点を忍んだか、他人の悪を許したか、などなどである。

 祈願 あなたの家族、日本国、全教会のため愛の一致の恩恵を願い、救い主の尊い御祈りを繰り返そう。 『わが祈るは彼らのためのみならず、また彼らの言葉によりて、われを信ずる人々のためにして、彼らがことごとく一ならんためなり。父よ、これ、なんじのわれにまし、わがなんじにあるがごとく、彼らもわれらにおいて一ならんためにして、なんじのわれを遣わしたまいしことを世に信ぜしめんとてなり。われ彼らにおり、なんじわれにまします。こは彼らが一に全うせられんため、またなんじのわれを遣わしたまいしことと、われを愛したまいしごとく彼らをも愛したまいしこととを世のさとらんためなり。』

 実行 聖体拝領後の感謝のしるしとして、毎日何ごとか兄弟的愛徳の行為を実践しよう。

X. The Eucharist is the Centre of Charity upon Earth and the Link of Unity amongst Christians.

I. Adoration. 

Represent to yourself the adorable Saviour, who resides beneath the veil of the Sacrament, who sees you and hears you behind the lattices of the sacramental sign placed between His glory and your weakness. 

From consideration for the latter represent Him at the hour of the Last Supper, sftrrounded by His Apostles, to whom He addresses His last counsels. 

Listen to His words, " Love one another." " This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. By this shall they know that you are My disciples, if you love one another. Remain in Me, remain in My love!" 

Such is the Testament of the beloved Father of the people of God; such is the law of love which succeeds the law of Sinai. 

It is strictly true to say that the precept of charity is the commandment of the Last Supper. And it is true, not because it was in that place, the witness of the greatest marvel worked by the love of the Saviour, that it was promulgated, but above all because it was in the Eucharist itself that the Saviour placed the grace of it and perpetuated its imperishable remembrance. 

To love our neighbor, and love him sincerely; that is to say, to devote ourselves to his well-being, not from caprice or from interest, but for himself, requires supernatural strength, which triumphs over our egotism and our pride. 

Egotism, which is innate in us and the very root of concupiscence, is the seeking after our personal interest, our own satisfaction, even to the detriment of the rights or the needs of our neighbor. Charity is the pursuit of the welfare of others, at the sacrifice of our own inclinations. 

What is the power able to snatch us from the claws of egotism if it be not the divine power of a Sacrament which is the greatest expression of charity, of the love of a God giving Himself up for His children ? Is the Eucharist, in fact, anything else except Christ in the plenitude of His life, of His activity, of His virtues, of His merits, multiplying Himself that He may give Himself to all, perpetuating Himself that He may give Himself always, extending Himself that He may be everywhere given for the good of those whom He calls, although they are by nature His enemies, and whom He calls so mercifully, His own —His friends. 

It is the same thing as regards pride; it paralyzes charity, because in order to love our neighbor we must serve him ; to serve is to lower ourselves in the presence of him whom we serve. What power can bend our pride, unless it be that of this Sacrament of the humility, of the debasement of Christ, where the Master and the Lord, after having washed, like a slave, the feet of His Apostles, placed Himself at the service of all men in the most humble of conditions, that of a little bread which has no other object than the being partaken for the profit of him who eats. 

Adore therefore the Saviour instituting by His solemn words the Sacrament of charity, and as from an abundant fountain causing to flow from it inexhaustible floods of self-abnegation, of humility, of devotedness, to which every one may go and drink if he desire really to love his neighbor as himself for the love of God. 

II. Thanksgiving. 

After the obligation of loving God as our Father, no action is more noble, more honorable, or sweeter in the doctrine of Jesus Christ than that of loving men as our brothers. 

How thoroughly we recognize in this precept the Heart of Him who, being infinite and uncreated love, willed also to make Himself love incarnate ! 

Doubtless charity requires sacrifices from every one, but on the other hand it assures to us the benevolence, help, and devotedness of all. Each one of us is therefore put in possession of the love of the innumerable Christian community through the commandment of charity towards our neighbor. The sinner benefits by the holiness, the prayers, the merits of all the just. The weak find therein help given by those who are stronger. The ignorant see those who are learned hastening to make them share in their intellectual treasures. The rich are of necessity the help and support of the poor. No kind of indigence, or of suffering, or of misery, or of tears, is the heavy portion of one single person ; for the obligation of solacing them weighs upon all and upon each, and is sacred, imperious, inviolable! 

Ohl how beautiful is fraternal charity, beautiful above all when each individual, looking himself in the face, sees what is his weakness, what are his burdens, what are his needs! Never will this sweet charity be wanting in the Church, because Jesus Himself, its author, has perpetuated Himself that He may ceaselessly keep alive its power, bear its sacrifices, bless its labors. The focus of this devotedness, which extends its flames over the whole world and penetrates into the most secret abysses of misery, that it may warm and invigorate all the suffering members of poor humanity, this focus is the living Heart, the ardent Heart, the compassionate Heart, the Heart more vast than the universe, the all-powerful Heart which the Sacrament keeps for us, shows us, and gives us in its indefatigable charity for us. 

Never think of any of the gifts which you have received from your brethren without letting your gratitude rise to the Sacred Heart which is, in the Sacrament, the real author. 

III. Reparation. 

Coming down from these general considerations to the duties which charity towards our neighbor imposes personally upon you, examine carefully how you actually practise them. These duties are above everything: affection and esteem; prayer; corporal and spiritual assistance, edification; bearing with defects; pardon of injuries. 

Examine yourself by the light of the Eucharist; that is to say, see if you love others even as Jesus your Master loves you; if you bear with others as He did; if you devote yourself to them as He did. Then humble yourself and make an efficacious resolve to correct yourself with regard to the point in which you fail the most. 

IV. Prayer. 

Ask for your family and for those with whom you live, ask for your country, for the Church, the grace of unity in charity; repeating the touching and earnest prayer of the Saviour: " And not for them only do I pray, but for those also who through their word shall believe in Me. That they all may be one as Thou, Father, in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. I in them and Thou in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them as Thou hast also loved Me!

V. Practice. 

Practise daily some exercises of fraternal charity as a thanksgiving after Communion. 


The adoration of the Blessed Sacrament : Tesnière, A. (Albert), 1847-1909 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The Reasons Of The Eucharist I. The Eucharist Continues and Extends th...

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