Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります

2019年2月10日 御公現後第五主日の説教 ワリエ神父様「教会で歌うことは敬虔な行い」

2019年02月13日 | お説教・霊的講話
御公現後第五主日の説教 教会で歌うこと―敬虔な行い














5th S. after Ep. - Singing in Church – Piety
Fr Benoit Wailliez, FSSPX

Let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts…
Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3: 12-17)

Let us have a look at what St. Pius X stated about singing in church and how it should positively influence our piety.

Tra le sollicitudine, Motu Proprio of Pope Pius X on Sacred Music (22 November 1903)

Nothing should have place, therefore, in the temple calculated to disturb or even merely to diminish the piety and devotion of the faithful...

Filled as We are with a most ardent desire to see the true Christian spirit flourish in every respect and be preserved by all the faithful, We deem it necessary to provide before anything else for the sanctity and dignity of the temple, in which the faithful assemble for no other object than that of acquiring this spirit from its foremost and indispensable font, which is the active participation in the most holy mysteries and in the public and solemn prayer of the Church…

1. Sacred music, being a complementary part of the solemn liturgy, participates in the general scope of the liturgy, which is the glory of God and the sanctification and edification of the faithful. It contributes to the decorum and the splendor of the ecclesiastical ceremonies, and since its principal office is to clothe with suitable melody the liturgical text proposed for the understanding of the faithful, its proper aim is to add greater efficacy to the text, in order that through it the faithful may be the more easily moved to devotion and better disposed for the reception of the fruits of grace belonging to the celebration of the most holy mysteries.

3. (…) Gregorian Chant has always been regarded as the supreme model for sacred music… Special efforts are to be made to restore the use of the Gregorian Chant by the people, so that the faithful may again take a more active part in the ecclesiastical offices, as was the case in ancient times.

Pope Pius X’s Letter to the Cardinal Vicar of Rome (8 December 1903)

Bishops and the faithful are continually coming here… to renew their spirit by visiting our venerable basilicas and the tombs of the martyrs, and by assisting with redoubled fervor at the solemnities which are here celebrated with all pomp and splendor throughout the year.

Gregorian Chant restored in such a satisfactory way to its early purity, as it was handed down by the fathers and is found in the codices of the various churches, is sweet, soft, easy to learn and of a beauty so fresh and full of surprises that wherever it has been introduced it has never failed to excite real enthusiasm in the youthful singers.

Letter of Cardinal Merry del Val, Pope Pius X’s Secretary of State, to an Irish publisher (9 May 1911)

Let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts…
Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3: 12-17)


