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Reflections on the meaning of Church "community" : letter to his Excellency Archbishop of Tokyo

2020年10月16日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど

Ave Maria Immaculata!

Dearest Brethren,

I wrote to his Excellency Archbishop of Tokyo, the Most Reverend Bishop Tarcisius KIKUCHI, with my gratitude, a letter dated October 7th 2020.

It was with my gratitude, because his Excellency invited us to take advantage of our present situation, which provides us with opportunity to reflect anew the meaning of community.

Following his Excellency’s invitation, we reflected on the topics he proposed. We hope that our reflections would be of use for the meditation of our beloved brothers and sisters.

October 7, 2020

To His Excellency Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, Archbishop of Tokyo

Your Excellency,

We are now in the Holy Month of the Most Holy Rosary. I hope that Your Excellency is doing well and fine.

I read Your Excellency’s explanation of the background of the "Public Notice concerning the Society of Saint Pius X" -- Declaration of Non-Association, dated October 1, 2020 as well as the Explanatory Notes on the Public Notice concerning the "the Society of Saint Pius X"

In the explanatory note, your Excellency explained that the Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo, in order to fulfill its commitment to protect all life, took precautionary measures to suspend public masses and other gatherings in Church facilities within the Archdiocese, and that our Church is built on unity as a community. Your Excellency invited us to take advantage of our present situation, which provides us with opportunity to reflect anew the meaning of community.

Following your Excellency’s invitation, we would like to share with our reflections on the meaning of Church “community.”

Therefore, as proposed to us, we meditated on the following two points:
(1) The meaning of "protect all life"; and
(2) The meaning of "unity in the Church".

On October 3, 2020, we responded to Your Excellency’s "Public Notice concerning the SSPX dated October 1, 2020". Please kindly find the attached response. We would be very grateful if Your Excellency could be so kind as to make time to read it.

At the same time, we would like to exercise our right to reply, using our Response, which we will send by email separately, for your convenience. It would be exceptionally gracious, and I would be very thankful if your Excellency could permit us space on the website of the Archdiocese of Tokyo to post our Response adjacent to the Public Notice.

Please allow me to share my reflections with Your Excellency as follows:

(1) "Protect all life"

At the sacrament of baptism, when we Christians were asked what we ask of the Church of God, we answered "Faith".

The Church then asked us : "What does Faith offer you?" We replied: "Life Everlasting".
The Faith for Life Everlasting is the foundation of our religious activities. which offers us Life everlasting. The true purpose of our faith, religion, and the Church is eternal life itself.

[Life everlasting]

We cannot avoid our deaths, and we cannot repeat it. It will happen just once for each of us, and though we do not know when, where, or how, we know only that we will surely die once. This is the solemn reality that no one can change. This death teaches us about the true value and meaning of this temporal world.
Through death, man passes from this world into Eternity. At the moment of death, we all will be judged by the Supreme Judge Jesus Christ, about our whole lives. The purpose of our lives is not to live forever in this world, but to go to heaven. It is to receive the Life everlasting. It is our salvation.

In the Creed of the Mass, we sing "et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, et vitam venturi saeculi". (I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.) This is the faith that we Catholics confess every Lord's Day.

When a Catholic dies, the priest offers Mass for the dead and prays "dona eis requiem" (give them eternal rest). When man passes away and his natural life is over, not all of his life is lost, because we pray that his immortal soul would enter into life everlasting.

Our Lord himself says: "he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall find it. For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? " (Mt. 16: 25-26)

As Your Excellency surely knows, during the Christian era in Japan there was a place in the garden of the Jesuit Priory in Macau where one tree was planted every time a Jesuit member was martyred in Japan. Whenever there was a martyrdom, they would go to the Church and sing together Te Deum (Thanksgiving to the Lord). There was a place reserved until the end, to plant a tree for the apostate Father Ferreira, who was not martyred, and all prayed for him to receive the grace of holy martyrdom. (1)

Our ancestors thought the grace of martyrdom keeping the Faith is more valuable than the preservation of life. They did not follow the example of Father Ferreira, their superior, who unfortunately had apostatized and went to the side of persecutors.

Take also, for example, Blessed Thecla Hashimoto, a Catholic martyr in Kyoto during Genna Period, who was martyred by fire, being bound with her three children, holding them tightly to her last breath, saying, "Receive the souls of these children."

It is not only in Japan. Many of the graduates of the English College in Rome were martyred while on mission in England. When their brothers and sisters remaining at the English College heard the news of their martyrdom, all went to the chapel and sang Te Deum in thanksgiving to Our Lord.

In the history of the Catholic Church for two thousand years, there have been many experiences of suffering from terrible plagues. Even in such times, like doctors who sacrifice their own lives to treat their patients, priests have been on the front lines and have dedicated themselves to protecting supernatural life with heroic sacrifice and service. A famous example is Saint Carlo Borromeo, Bishop of Milan. When the plague broke out, Saint Carlo Borromeo not only personally visited and took care of the sick, but also organized processions and prayers in atonement of sins so that the plague, rightly seen as a punishment, would end.

There are countless examples as above, and all of them show us that the Catholic Church is first and foremost a mystical body living for the supernatural life.

Our Lord also said: "Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will shew you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him." (Luke 12:4-5)

The Society of St. Pius X, through the grace of God and Our Lady's intercession, always prays for the grace to give supernatural life first priority.

[Protecting the natural life]

It is important to protect human life, especially the lives of the innocent.
For the record, it is, of course, important to protect people's lives from the novel coronavirus that is currently prevalent. Recognizing this fact, we the Society of St. Pius X, also offer Masses publicly, with the utmost care in the fight against infection.

I am also thinking of a diplomat named Chiune Sugihara, about whom Your Excellency knows. He worked as a consular representative at the Japanese Consulate in Lithuania during World War II, issuing visas to Jews, who according to the regulations were normally not permitted to receive visas. He continued to issue visas at his own discretion without permission from the Japanese home country just to save their lives! He was getting them out of Europe, where their lives were in danger. At least 6,000 Jews were saved by the "Visa for Life" issued by his "disobedience".

The Catholic Church has stood up for the lives of the unborn innocent in particular, and Canon Law imposes special sanctions of excommunication on those who have had or assisted in an abortion. In Japan alone, statistics show that between 2013 and 2018, about one baby out of every seven babies conceived was murdered by abortion. Between 2008 and 2012, that figure was approximately one in six, and from 2002 to 2007, about one in five innocent unborn children were murdered by abortion. Since abortion was legalized in Japan in 1949 an incomprehensible total of 38,954,583 babies have been victims of this abominable practice. How much we, as Catholics, need to pray and act to protect these innocent lives!

We, the Society of St. Pius X, also pray for the end of the war against the unborn children through abortion, by the grace of God, and we wish try to do as much as we can to make that happen.

We certainly agree that human natural life is so important is because it was given by God through His love. We are obligated to use our natural life carefully for the sake of supernatural life. The supernatural life is of the most important value, and the natural life is the means to attain to it.

Suicide is wrong, and euthanasia is not allowed, because these are sins against the Lord, the Giver and the Master of Life, because they would prevent us from obtaining supernatural life.

Our Lord also said that "Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me." He spoke of the corporal "works of mercy", such as feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, harbouring the harbourless, visiting the sick; etc. However, if we forget the priority of the supernatural life, in other words, the sanctifying grace, we will fall away from the teachings of Our Lord.

Father Rodrigo, the priest in Shusaku Endo's novel "Silence" which was Scorsese's film of the same title, unfortunately considered it good to step on Christ and apostatize in order to save the lives of the tortured and suffering faithful! .

This is because Father Rodrigo, the protagonist of the novel and the movie, thought that the greatest good was to save the natural life of the suffering person before him. And, he did this, instead of putting priority as a good pastor to the saving the eternal lives of both himself and the other Christians'.

Perhaps, unfortunately, he did not pray to God and Our Lady, for the grace of God to strengthen himself as well as the faithful in their weaknesses, begging for mercy, asking earnestly for the grace to persevere without abandoning their faith, hoping thereby to gain heavenly glory by the grace of the Lord.

He regrettably did not remember that human suffering, when offered out of love of God, in union with the Passion of Jesus Christ, has redemptive value and brings supernatural grace to the world.

Rodrigo is taught the theory of apostasy by Ferreira. There must have been many different theories that would justify stepping on the Fumie. For instance, dividing Jesús Christ into two, the Christ of history and that of faith (despite the fact that we can't do so in reality). One of these theories would be to say that because you believe in the Christ of faith, the Christ of history can be trodden on (!).

Rodrigo may have thought that the act of stepping on or spitting on the Holy Image with his foot was not an apostasy because he was in Japan, in a Japanese cultural context, as claimed by the Japanese magistrates, and seconded by Ferreira, an older man who had been in Japan for a long time.

Hearing the magistrates accuse him of the deaths of his fellow Christians because of his own practice of Christ's teachings, Rodrigo may have thought that in order to protect their natural lives, he should make it appear that he temporarily suspended his worship of Christ, and that his faith would not be made public, but his faith would remain only in his hearts.

Perhpas he thought that it would be better to obey the Japanese government. In any event, since the magistrates (as well as Rodrigo himself) did not have a supernatural perspective on life, they could not understand what he tried to witness. He may have thought that in order to make them happy, he should do whatever they say. (The Rodrigo in the movie, in fact, kept, until his death, a little statue of Christ given to him by a fervent faithful, implying that he indeed kept his faith.)

But, Your Excellency we both know that stepping on Icon is a sin, no matter how beautiful the theory or compelling the justification we attach to it, it is a sure sign of apostasy. We know this because there of the entire system of biblical signs in the Christian faith, from the figures of the Old Testament to the New Testament which would be the signs of Glory in Heaven.

The Catholic Faith teaches us very clearly that if Rodrigo sought to protect the life natural life at the expense of eternal life, he committed a grave error.

(2) The Unity of the Church as Community

Supernatural Mystical body of Christ

Every Catholic is a member of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ: the Catholic Church.
As we say in Creed: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church," what makes the Church one is that it is the same across all places, times, nations and peoples.

The Church is one beyond place. What is believed in the Vatican, what is believed in Africa and in Japan must be one hundred percent the same. It is not Catholic to say that what is believed in the Vatican could be disbelieved in Japan.

The Church is one across time, immutable and unchangeable. And because the Faith is immutable, that which Saint Peter and Saint John, who lived with Jesus, believed, that what Saint Francis Xavier believed when he came to Kagoshima and that which we believe today must be completely and entirely the same. Therefore, it is not Catholic to say that what the faithful of five hundred or fifty years ago believed, today we may disbelieve.

The Church is one across nations and peoples. That which the Pope believes, what a Swiss bishop believes, what an American priest believes, and what a Japanese layman believes, of necessity must be absolutely the same without relation to location or geography. Yet again, it is not Catholic to say that which one bishop in one country believes can be disbelieved by either the clergy or a layperson in another country.

This unity is found in the unity of the Faith across ages and nations, in the unity of governance, and in the unity of the Sacred Liturgy.

This unity is especially expressed in the Traditional Latin Mass, the unbloody representation of the sacrifice of the Cross, which has remained unchanged in its essence throughout the ages for nearly two thousand years and continues to be offered as the standard of for universal worship throughout the world. The truth does not and cannot change. What was right yesterday is right today and will be right tomorrow. The Church has continued the same thing from the beginning, and continues to observe this Tradition with great care, not because she "clings hardheadedly to the traditional way" created by man on his own, but because she tries to be faithful to the truth taught by Jesus Christ, through the grace of God.

St. Vincentius of Lerins, who lived in the 5th century, said in his famous commonitorium (2) :

“In the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all. For that is truly and in the strictest sense Catholic...”
[In ipsa item Catholica Ecclesia magnopere curandum est ut id teneamus quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est. Hoc est etenim vere proprieque catholicum, quod ipsa vis nominis ratioque declarat...]

"Spiritual unity" in the Church as "awareness"

If we do not understand the Church community from the supernatural point of view of the faith, and its connection to the eternal, as we have reflected above, we risk that "unity" becomes only "awareness" of belonging to a visible "diocesan community" or a "parish community". In other words, "spiritual" is used as a synonym for "being aware" only.

In this case, "unity" would mean "doing the same thing with awareness of community" here and now, without reference to the unity with the past, future and all nations.

Therefore, "doing the same thing as everyone else" necessarily means not only physically gathering in the Church building, but also that "if everyone doesn't gather, I don’t need tobe there neither" or “In Japan, we stand and never kneel during Mass… a sacrosanct rule for Unity” and “In Japan, we receive communion with our hands,” “in Japan, we do this and that” ad infinitum.

This seems to be the unmasked nature of the so-called "spiritual unity" in Japan. However, if we only do the same external actions as everyone else does, without the perspective of eternity, then "spiritual unity" would be nothing else but "unity in the human respect (awareness)".

As long as we do that, it should not matter if we distribute the Holy Eucharist to the non-baptized (on Karl Rahner's theory that all men are anonymous Christians and they are already all saved), or whether we deny Our Blessed Lady's perpetual virginity, or how creative and original we are in the performance of the Mass, of if we have a Zen Mass, or “liturgical dances” at Mass, or a Mass that promotes and encourages LGBT, etc.

Then, there is the very real danger that no matter how different things are done from the whole world, no matter how completely different they are from what the Church has always held dear, they will be considered good.

And then surely as night follows day, the unity of faith across time and nations that the Catholic Church has maintained for two thousand years would be lost. In other words, Relativism would dominate within the Church, and if that were to happen, the Church would be assimilated into the modern secular society.
When that happens, as Your Excellency has stated, the Church as a community will lose the meaning of its existence.

As the Apostle reminds us in Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.”

So, we are convinced that we must keep, by grace of God, the unity of faith, that of Liturgy, and that of government which should guarantee the precedent unity of faith and Liturgy: the supernatural unity which goes beyond times and peoples and nations.

We believe profoundly that we should continue to offer the Mass of All Times, the Traditional Latin Mass, in order to preserve this real and true unity.

In Summorum Pontificum The Holy Father Benedict XVI appealed to all the Bishops of the world on July 7, 2007, when he said:
"What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place."

If I may come back to the example of Rodrigo that I mentioned earlier, the order forbidding kneeling during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, or kneeling to receive the Body of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, or the order to receive communion by hand, these are, for us, a modern Fumie ceremony, an order to step on the Icon, in both attitude and meaning.

In particular, the Sacraments are signs which give supernatural grace. Human life is made up of signs. The same is true of language, and there are various signs that convey our will and thoughts. Clothes, gestures and postures, flags and signals, etc. all ordinary elements in our daily life signify their special meanings.

Therefore, to believe in the Sacraments is to believe in the signs instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Sacraments have a deep biblical meaning in both the Old and New Testaments, and therefore their Biblical meaning cannot be taken lightly.

“The kneeling of Christians is not a form of inculturation… It is quite the opposite: an expression of Christian culture which transforms the existing culture through a new and deeper knowledge and experience of God.” (3)

“Kneeling does not come from any culture — it comes from the Bible and its knowledge of God.” (4)

“Through the Crucified, this bold promise of the Old Testament is now fulfilled: all bend the knee before Jesus , the One who descended, and bow to Him precisely as the one true god above all gods. The Cross has become the world-:embracing sign of God’s presence, and all that we have previously heard about the historical and cosmic Christ should now, in this passage, come back into our minds. The Christian liturgy is a cosmic liturgy precisely because it bends the knee before the crucified and exalted Lord. Here is the center of authentic culture — the culture of Truth. This humble gesture by which we fall at the feet of the Lord inserts us into the true path of life of the cosmos.”(5)

The same Benedict XVI in his “Spirit of the Liturgy” also says:

“It may well be that kneeling is alien to modern culture — insofar as it is a culture, for this culture has turned away from the faith and no longer knows the One before whom kneeling is the … intrinsically necessary gesture.”(6)

"[Moreover] a faith or a liturgy no longer familiar with kneeling would be sick at the core. Where it has been lost, kneeling must be rediscovered, so that, in our prayer, we remain in fellowship with the apostle and martyrs, in fellowship with the whole cosmos, indeed, in union with Jesus Christ Himself.”(7)

No matter how admirable Ferreira was as superior for other Jesuits, and how much authority he had over his own subordinate Jesuits, they did not follow Ferreira, their own leader, and they chose martyrdom by grace of God.

As they rather prayed for his return to faith and his conversion, we believe that we should follow the good example of the canonized and beatified Catholics, by the help of God, if we were in such a situation.

(3) Final reflections

It is precisely in these days when many people have abandoned the faith that we must regain the true unity of the Church community through unchangeable Faith. In order to do so, we believe and act that it is absolutely needed and urgent to keep the Traditional Catholic Faith.

With regard to the suspension of public Masses, Your Excellency wrote: "However, we have received some reports of cases where people refused to understand the purpose of the precautionary measure and chose not cooperate. It was truly disappointing from the point of spiritual unity in the Church."

What did they think, those ordinary laymen who "refused to understand the purpose of the precautionary measure and chose not cooperate?”

Did they not choose perhaps, or rather there was no choice, to protect their life everlasting, by coming to Mass, seeking the Most Holy Sacrament and the Sacrament of Penance?

Your Excellency's Patron Saint is Saint Tarcitius, the martyr of the Holy Eucharist, who shed his blood to protect the dignity of the Holy Eucharist,

I humbly believe that Your Excellency would work admirably to restore the dignity of the Holy Eucharist, that has been so neglected in Japan, even though these actions would mean to invite many challenges.

In your Public Notice, you say, "it is not recommended at this time for Catholics to participate in SSPX masses." However, I believe that the time will come when Your Excellency would judge that it is good for the laity to have attended the Traditional Masses. We are convinced that it is difficult for a Catholic Bishop and successor of the Apostles not to recommend to the faithful that they attend the Mass of All Times, since we are simply doing what the Church has been doing since time immemorial.

Because even when the lies were circulating in the world that the Traditional Latin Mass had been abolished or banned, we were convinced that it was not true. The Traditional Mass can never be abolished in accordance with the Bull of St. Pius V "Quo Primum". As it turned out, in fact, in 2007, Benedict XVI declared that this Mass has never been abolished.

We humbly believe that the day will come when all will rightly recognize that the Mass of All Times, which has been offered unceasingly throughout the world, is the Mass that fortifies and nourishes the faith in the Most Holy Sacrament and that brings true spiritual unity to the entire Church community.

Then, on that happy day, I believe that Your Excellency will congratulate us for having done good works in Archdiocese of Tokyo, by continuing to offer the Traditional Mass for the preservation of supernatural life of faith. In the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic, it was well done to increase the number of Masses and to have taken good care of many souls in the Archdiocese of Tokyo.

We are convinced therefore, then, Your Excellency will be pleased that each of the Faithful who chose to attend the Traditional Mass offered by the Society of St. Pius X, made a wise and right judgment as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

The ultimate purpose of Canon Law is salvation, Salus animarum suprema lex. Just as Sugihara, who saved the natural lives of many Jews, so we wish to protect, by the grace of God, the supernatural lives of all of our Brethren. The Society of St. Pius X, in accordance with the spirit of Canon Law, considers the salvation of eternal life as the highest law, with the help of Almighty.

Finally, I would like to thank Your Excellency for giving us the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of the Church as community.

I thank Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady, for this opportunity to make reflections from the point of view of faith for the life everlasting.

Your Excellency, I wish you a blessed Month of the Most Holy Rosary.

While humbly asking for Your Excellency’s fatherly episcopal blessing on us, and kneeling at your foot, I remain,

Sincerely yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Father Thomas Onoda, priest of the Society of St. Pius X


End Notes

(1) In the report to Rome by Jesuit visitor and Provincial, Manuel Diaz (January 26, 1636), Manuel Mendez de Moura is quoted who met with Ferreira in Japan:
"Then he (Ferreira) asked me (Manuel Mendez de Moura) if the devotion of the Forty Hours was still practiced in the college. I answered that it was still performed with much devotion and that on the last occasion the church had been more splendidly decorated than in former years. For the church is now adorned with trees which the people of Macao have planted in memory of the holy martyrs of Japan. The last tree is in memory of the most excellent martyr Fr Sebastian Vieira; next to it they have left room for another one, which everybody believes is destined for your Reverence, and all the people are keeping their eyes on it with great expectation. To this he made no answer but shed more tears."
The Case of Christovao Ferreira by Fr. Hubert Cieslik s.j. (p21)


(3) The Spirit of the Liturgy, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger [Benedict XVI], San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000, p. 185

(4) Ibid. 185

(5) Ibid. 193

(6) Ibid. 194

(7) Ibid.


2020年10月16日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど




2020年10月16日 | プロライフ

聖ピオ十世会司祭 トマス小野田神父(大阪)









2020年10月18日は、聖霊降臨後第二十主日(降临后第二十主日: 성신 강림 후 제 이십 주일)です。聖伝のミサのラテン語と日本語・韓国語の対訳のテキストをご紹介いたします

2020年10月16日 | ミサ聖祭

2020年10月18日は、聖霊降臨後第二十主日(降临后第二十主日: 성신 강림 후 제 이십 주일)です。聖伝のミサのラテン語と日本語・韓国語の対訳のテキストをご紹介いたします


'돌아가라. 네 아들이 살았느니라' 그 사람이 믿고... 내려갈 즈음에 종들이 마주 와 보하여 이르되 그 아들이 살았다 하니라' (복음)
그 대신의 아들의 약한 건강상태는 우리로 하여금 우리들의 세계를 생각케 한다. 우리의 세계는 육정의 도열로 인해서 지쳤고, 천주께 대한 신덕이 회복되지 않는 한 구해낼 도리가 없다. 
죄를 겸손되이 고백한다는 것, 이는 천주의 '자비'(초입경)와 '관사하심'(축문)을 얻는 비결이다.
미사의 '성영과 찬미' 를 읇는 동안 '성신으로 충만하여 질지며' 일반생활에서는 '서로 순명하게 될 것이다'(서간경)
기구와 가톨릭활동은 서로 쌍벽을 이루고 있다. 그 '대신'은 신덕에 대한 보답이 있자마자, 그는 곧 신덕을 '전 가족' 과 친척들과 하인들에게 전파하였다.
또한 모든 은혜에 대해서 천주께 진실로 감사하는 마음을 갖는다면 너희는 즉시로 평신자사도가 되어, 가정 안팎을 막론하고 전교를 할 마음이 용솟음 칠 것이리라.

Dominica Vigesima post Pentecosten 聖霊降臨後第二十主日 성신 강림 후 제 이십 주일
II Classis 二級主日  (2급) 초록색
Ant. ad Introitum. Dan. 3, 31, 29 et 35. 入祭文 ダニエル書 3ノ31, 29, 35 초입경(다니엘3.31,29,35)
Omnia, quæ fecísti nobis, Dómine, in vero iudício fecísti, quia peccávimus tibi et mandátis tuis non obœdívimus : sed da glóriam nómini tuo, et fac nobíscum secúndum multitúdinem misericórdiæ tuæ. 主よ、私たちのために御身が行い給うたすべては、真実の審きにおいてなさった。何故なら私たちは御身に罪を犯し、御身の掟に従わなかったからである。しかし、御身の御名に光栄を与えよ、私たちとともに、御身の憐みの多さに従ってなし給え。 주여 너 우리에게 행하신 바는 다 참으로 공의대로 하셨으니 대저 우리가 네게 죄를 짓고 또 네 계명을 지키지 아니하였나이다. 그러나 네 이름을 영화롭게 하사 네 자비의 풍부함을 따라 우리를 대하소서. 
Ps. 118, 1. 詩篇118ノ1 (성영118.1) 
Beáti immaculáti in via : qui ámbulant in lege Dómini. 幸いなるかな、道[人生]において罪の汚れない人々は。主の掟において歩む人々は。 무죄하게 길을 다니고 주의 법안에서 걷는자들은 복되도다. 
V/.Glória Patri. V/. 願わくは聖父と・・・(栄誦)。 영광이 부와 자와 ...
Omnia, quæ fecísti nobis, Dómine, in vero iudício fecísti, quia peccávimus tibi et mandátis tuis non obœdívimus : sed da glóriam nómini tuo, et fac nobíscum secúndum multitúdinem misericórdiæ tuæ. 主よ、私たちのために御身が行い給うたすべては、真実の審きにおいてなさった。何故なら私たちは御身に罪を犯し、御身の掟に従わなかったからである。しかし、御身の御名に光栄を与えよ、私たちとともに、御身の憐みの多さに従ってなし給え。 주여 너 우리에게 행하신 바는 다 참으로 공의대로 하셨으니 대저 우리가 네게 죄를 짓고 또 네 계명을 지키지 아니하였나이다. 그러나 네 이름을 영화롭게 하사 네 자비의 풍부함을 따라 우리를 대하소서. 
Oratio. 集祷文 축문
Largíre, quǽsumus, Dómine, fidélibus tuis indulgéntiam placátus et pacem : ut páriter ab ómnibus mundéntur offénsis, et secúra tibi mente desérviant. Per Dóminum. 主よ、願わくは宥められ、御身の信者たちに、赦しと平和とを与え給え。彼らが全ての過ちから清められるとともに、落ち着いた心で御身に奉仕せんことを。天主として、(…)。 주여 비오니 네 믿는 자들에게 관사하심과 평화를 태워 주사 우리로 하여금 모든 죄에서 조찰하여진 후에 안온한 마음으로 너를 섬기게 하시되, 네 아들 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 인하여 하소서. 저 너와 성신과 ...
Léctio Epístolæ beáti Pauli Apóstoli ad Ephésios. 使徒聖パウロのエフェゾ人への書簡の朗読。 서간
Ephes. 5, 15-21. エフェゾ 5ノ15-21* (에페소서5.15-21)
Fratres : Vidéte, quómodo caute ambulétis : non quasi insipiéntes, sed ut sapiéntes, rediméntes tempus, quóniam dies mali sunt. Proptérea nolíte fíeri imprudéntes, sed intellegéntes, quæ sit volúntas Dei. Et nolíte inebriári vino, in quo est luxúria : sed implémini Spíritu Sancto, loquéntes vobismetípsis in psalmis et hymnis et cánticis spirituálibus, cantántes et psalléntes in córdibus vestris Dómino : grátias agéntes semper pro ómnibus, in nómine Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, Deo et Patri. Subiecti ínvicem in timóre Christi. 兄弟たちよ、よく見なさい。お前たちがどのように注意深く歩んでいるかを。愚かな者のようではなく、知恵ある者として時を贖いつつ。何故なら今の日々は悪いからである。これがために、思慮のないものとなるな、むしろ天主のみ旨が何であるかを理解するものとなれ。ぶどう酒に酔うな、それには淫乱がある。かえって霊に満たされよ。詩歌と賛美の歌と霊の歌をあなたたちに話し、あなたたちの心において主に歌い、そして賛美せよ。私たちの主イエズス・キリストのみ名において、すべてのことについて、たえず父なる天主に感謝せよ。キリストの畏れにおいて互いに従え。 형제들아 어떻게 조심하여 걸을 것인지 생각할지니 미련한 자와 같이 걷지말고 오직 지혜로운 자와 같이 걸으며 날이 흉하니 시간을 이용할지어다. 그러므로 미련한자 되지 말고 오직 천주의 성의가 무엇인지 깨달을지어다. 또한 음란함이 술에 있으니 취하게 마시지 말고 오직 성신을 충만히 받아 성영과 찬미가와 신령한 노래로써 서로 말하고 마음으로 노래하고 주를 찬미하여 만사에 항상 우리 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로써 천주 성부께 감사하고 그리스도를 누림으로써 서로 순명할찌어다.
Graduale. Ps. 144, 15-16. 昇階誦 詩篇 144ノ15-16 층계경(성영144.15,16)
Oculi ómnium in te sperant, Dómine : et tu das illis escam in témpore opportúno. 主よ、皆の目は御身を待ち望む。御身は彼らにふさわしい時に糧を与え給う。 주여 뭇사람의 눈이 너를 바라보매 너 그들에게 적당한 때에 양식을 주시도다. 
V/. Aperis tu manum tuam : et imples omne ánimal benedictióne. V/. 御身は御手を開き給うて、すべての動物を祝福で満たし給う。 너 손을 펴사 모든 동물을 네 강복으로 채우시도다.
Allelúia, allelúia. V/.Ps. 107, 2. アレルヤ、アレルヤ、V/. 詩篇 107ノ2 알렐루야 알렐루야(성영107.2) 
Parátum cor meum, Deus, parátum cor meum : cantábo, et psallam tibi, glória mea. Allelúia. 私の心は準備ができている、天主よ、私の心は準備ができている。私は歌うだろう、また、私の栄光よ、御身に詩を歌うだろう、アレルヤ。 천주여 내 마음을 예비하고 내 마음을 예비하였으니 나 노래하며 내 영광이신 너를 찬송하리이다. 알렐루야.
+ Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Ioánnem. ヨハネによる聖福音の続誦。 복음
Ioann. 4, 46-53. ヨハネ 4ノ46-53 (성요왕4.46-53)
In illo témpore : Erat quidam régulus, cuius fílius infirmabátur Caphárnaum. Hic cum audísset, quia Iesus adveníret a Iudǽa in Galilǽam, ábiit ad eum, et rogábat eum, ut descénderet et sanáret fílium eius : incipiébat enim mori. Dixit ergo Iesus ad eum : Nisi signa et prodígia vidéritis, non créditis. Dicit ad eum régulus : Dómine, descénde, priúsquam moriátur fílius meus. Dicit ei Iesus : Vade, fílius tuus vivit. Crédidit homo sermóni, quem dixit ei Iesus, et ibat. Iam autem eo descendénte, servi occurrérunt ei et nuntiavérunt, dicéntes, quia fílius eius víveret. Interrogábat ergo horam ab eis, in qua mélius habúerit. Et dixérunt ei : Quia heri hora séptima relíquit eum febris. Cognóvit ergo pater, quia illa hora erat, in qua dixit ei Iesus : Fílius tuus vivit : et crédidit ipse et domus eius tota. そのとき、そこに一人の王官がいた。その人の子はカファルウムで病床についていた。イエズスが、ユダヤからガリラヤにおいでになったと知ったかれは、イエズスのところに行って、すでに死の迫っている子を治しに来てくださいとたのんだ。イエズスが、「あなたたちは、しるしと奇跡とを見ないと信じないのか?」とおおせられた。王官は、「主よ、あの子が死なないうちに来てください」と答えた。イエズスは、「あなたの子は生きている。行きなさい!」とおおせられた。そこでかれが、イエズスのおことばを信じて去ると、その途中、かれの下男たちにであって、子どもは生きていると知らされた。いつごろからよくなったかと聞くと、「きのうの午後一時ごろから熱が去りました」と下男たちは答えた。父親は、その時刻が、「あなたの子は生きている」とイエズスがおおせられたのと同じ時刻だと知った。そしてかれとその家の人は、みなイエズスを信じた。 유시에 어떤 대신이 있어 그 아들이 가파르나움에서 병들었더니 예수 유데아로조차 갈릴레아에 이르신다는 말을 그 대신이 듣고 예수께 나아와 하여금 내려 가사 그 아들을 낫게 하여 주시기를 간청하니 대저 죽기에 임함이러라. 이러므로 예수 저에게 가라사대 '너희가 만일 영적과 기묘한 일을 보지 않으면 믿지 아니하는도다.' 대신이 예수께 아뢰되 '주여 내 아들이 죽기 전에 내려오시옵소서.' 예수 가라사대 '돌아가라 네 아들이 살았느니라' 하시니 그 사람이 예수 제게 이르신 바를 믿고 가더니 저 내려갈 즈음에 종들이 마주 와 보하여 이르되 '그 아들이 살았다' 하거늘 이에 그 어느시에 나았는지 물은데 대답하되 '어제 일곱시에 학질이 떨어졌나이다.' 하는지라. 이러므로 그 부친이 예수 저에게 이르시되 네 아들이 살았느니라 하시던 시가 곧 그 시인 줄을 깨닫고 저와 온집이 믿으니라.
Credo 信経 신경외움
Ant. ad Offertorium. Ps. 136, 1. 奉献文 詩篇  136ノ1 제헌경(성영136.1)
Super flúmina Babylónis illic sédimus et flévimus : dum recordarémur tui, Sion. バビロンの川のほとりで、そこに私たちは座って泣いた。シオンよ、おまえのことを私たちは思い出しながら。 시온아 우리가 바빌론강 가에 앉아 너를 생각하고 울었노라.
Secreta. 密誦 묵념축문
Cæléstem nobis prǽbeant hæc mystéria, quǽsumus, Dómine, medicínam : et vítia nostri cordis expúrgent. Per Dóminum. 主よ、願わくは、この奥義が天の薬を私たちに与え、私たちの心の悪習を浄め尽くさんことを。天主として、(…)。 주여 비오니 이 비사로 하여금 우리에게 천상 신약을 가져오게 하시며 또한 우리 마음의 악습을 뽑아버리게 하시되, 네 아들 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 인하여 하소서. 저 너와 성신과 ...
Præfatio de sanctissima Trinitate  序誦   三位一体と主日との序誦 성삼감사경
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre, nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere : Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus : Qui cum Unigénito Fílio tuo et Spíritu Sancto unus es Deus, unus es Dóminus : non in uníus singularitáte persónæ, sed in uníus Trinitáte substántiæ. Quod enim de tua glória, revelánte te, crédimus, hoc de Fílio tuo, hoc de Spíritu Sancto, sine discretióne sentímus. Ut, in confessióne veræ sempiternǽque Deitátis, et in persónis propríetas, et in esséntia únitas, et in maiestáte adorétur æquálitas. Quam laudant Angeli atque Archángeli, Chérubim quoque ac Séraphim, qui non cessant clamáre cotídie, una voce dicéntes : Sanctus… 主よ、聖なる父よ、全能永遠の天主よ、われらが御身に、いつもどこにても感謝を捧げるのは、実にふさわしく正しいこと、義務と救いである。御身は、御独り子と聖霊と共に、唯一の天主、唯一の主にて在す。すなわち、御身は、一の位格の単一にて在すのではなく、唯一の実体(substantia)の三位にて在す。御身の御光栄について、御身が啓示するがゆえに、われらが信じ奉ることを、聖子について、聖霊について、差別なく、われらは信じ奉る。真の永遠の天主の本性を告白するにおいて、位格における固有性が礼拝され、本質(essentia)における唯一性と、御稜威における等しさも礼拝されるためである。これを、天使らと大天使らは、智天使も熾天使も、讃美し、絶え間なく声を上げ、日々声をあわせてこう言う。聖なるかな、… 주여, 성부여, 전능하시고 영원하신 천주여, 우리가 어디서나 항상 주께 감사하는 것이 참으로 당연하고 옳으며, 지당하고 구령에 유익하나이다. 주는 외아들과 성신과 더불어 오직 한분의 천주시요, 오직 한분의 주이시되, 한 위가 아니시고, 한 체로서 세 위시니이다. 주의 계시로 우리가 주의 영광에 대하여 믿는 바를, 성자와 성신에 대하여서도 조금도 다름이 없이 믿나이다. 그리하여 우리는 참되시고 영원하신 천주성을 찬미함에 있어, 위로서는 각 품이시요, 체로서는 하나이시요, 지존하시기는 같으심을 찬송하나이다. 천신들과 대천신들 및 케루빔과 세라핌이 이를 찬양하며, 날마다 간단없이 제창하나이다. 거룩하시다, 거룩하시다, 만군의 천주이신 주는 거룩하시나이다. 하늘과 땅에 주의 영광이 가득하나이다. 천상에 좌정하신이여 호산나, 주의 이름으로 오시는 이는 찬미받아지이다. 천상에 좌정하신이여 호산나.
Ant. ad Communionem. Ps. 118, 49-50. 聖体拝領誦 詩篇 118ノ49-50 영성체경(성영118.49,50)
Meménto verbi tui servo tuo, Dómine, in quo mihi spem dedísti : hæc me consoláta est in humilitáte mea. 主よ、御身の下僕への御身の言葉を思い出し給え。それにおいて御身は私に希望を与え給うた。これ[希望]が私の辱めにおいて、私を慰めた。 주여 내게 희망을 주신, 네 종에게 하신 네 말씀을 생각하소서. 대저 이는 내 곤궁중에 나를 위로하였나이다.
Postcommunio. 聖体拝領後の祈 영성체후축문
Ut sacris, Dómine, reddámur digni munéribus : fac nos, quǽsumus, tuis semper obœdíre mandátis. Per Dóminum nostrum. 主よ、私たちが聖なる賜物にふさわしいものとならんがため、願わくは、私たちをして御身の掟に常に従順となさしめ給え。天主として、(…)。

주여 우리로 하여금 항상 네 계명을 준행케 하사 네 거룩한 예물을 받기에 합당한 자 되게 하시되, 네 아들 우리 주 예수 그리스도를 인하여 하소서. 저 너와 성신과 ...



2020年10月16日 | お説教・霊的講話

聖ピオ十世会司祭 トマス小野田神父説教(東京)














