


2011-11-17 18:25:05 | シンプルライフに惹かれて


The Woodlandsに引越しして、たまにモールに出かける時立ち寄るのがこの店、アンソロポロジー






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2011-11-17 11:04:58 | アメリカ中学校事情





Where the Two Worlds ~~~Meet~~~


The old world and the New World meet through a variety of dishes special to them.



Old World Dishes

Appetizers (4.00)

Fried okra ~ Fried okra with special spices unique to the old world

Cheese and crackers ~ whole wheat crackers and goat cheese

Onion Rings ~deep fried onions with a spicy dipping sauce

Soups (6.00)

Cucumber soup ~cold cucumber soup with creamy yogurt and a refreshing minty taste

French Onion Soup ~ a creamy onion and beef stock based soup, served with cheese as a topping

Salads (6.00)

Citrus Salad ~a zesty lemon salad with lettuce, onions, cucumbers, and cabbage

Watermelon Salad ~a light tropical salad with a mixture of fruits and vegetables

Entrees (12.99)

Oven fried pork ~crispy pork with fried okra and barley

Lamb chops ~baked lamb chops served with steamed rice and peas

Citrus chicken ~ grilled chicken and rice covered with our special citrus sauce

Beverages (2.99)

Orange Juice

Earl Grey tea

Deserts (5.00)

Peach Cobbler ~a sweet crunchy cobbler with fresh peaches and sweet wheat crumbs

Banana Pudding ~ light banana pudding with cream and crumbled oats


New World Dishes

Appetizers (4.00)

Spicy rice ~wild rice with corn, peppers and kidney beans

Nut Medley ~ pecans, cashews, peanuts and ac acorns

Soups (6.00)

Tomato soup ~creamy cheese and tomato soup with green peppers

Squash soup ~ creamy squash soup with potatoes and corn

Salads (6.00)

Mexican salad ~tomatoes, corn, beans, and peppers

Pineapple salad ~a refreshing mix of tropical vegetables and fruits

 Entrees (12.99)

Buffalo ~ buffalo and mashed potatoes with a spicy sauce

Boiled Duck ~boiled duck with maize, peppers and corn

Turkey ~turkey with gravy, and wild rice with corn and peppers

Beverages (2.99)

Grape juice ~grape juice made from Mexican grapes

Strawberry Punch `punch with strawberries, blueberries, pineapple and Mexican plums

Prickly pear soda

Deserts (5.00)

Pecan pudding

Fresh Fruit plate ~ blueberries, strawberries, pineapples, Mexican grapes prickly pear cactus and persimmons    










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2011-11-17 10:29:31 | アメリカ高校生活



ところが、簡単に見つからないものばかり。このThe Woodlandsは自然に囲まれているとはいうものの、聞いたことのない名前の植物ばかり。




<colgroup span="1"><col style="width: 47pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2267;" span="1" width="62"></col><col style="width: 48pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2340;" span="2" width="64"></col></colgroup>
1 2 3
1 5 13
Frutose lichen mushroom Pinus mature seed cone
4 5 6
14 16 22
Pinus fascicle True nut tuber
7 8 19
23 25 27
corm thorns Cactus spine leaf
10 11 12
28 30 31
Gastropod shell Cicada nymph exoskeleton Wasps or hornet nest
13 14 15
35 36 37
Down feather Body contour feather  Flight contour feather
16 17 18
41 43 45
fossil Tree growth rings Monocot flower-Monocot System
19 20 21
46 47 48
Monocot leaf- Monocot System Monocot seed-Monocot System Monocot root system- Monocot System
22 23 24
49 50 51
Dicot flower-Dicot system Dicot leaf-Dicot system Dicot seed-Dicot system
25 26 27
52 53 55
Dicot root system- Dicot system Climbing root Parallel venation- types of venation
28 29 30
56 57 58
Palmate venation-types of venation Pinnate venation-types of venation Alternate- leaf arrangement
31 32 33
59 60 61
Opposite- leaf arrangement Whorled-leaf arrangement Pinnately compound-leaf arrangement
Palmately compound-leaf arrangement   
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