もう一つは読書力。小学校の頃より速読でどんどん本を読んでいったので、文章を書く時にもずいぶん役立つようだ。英語の授業の期末プロジェクトで、The Dark Side of Nowhereというサイエンスフィクションのエピローグを創作するという課題が出されたらしいが、娘が書いたのが次の文章。長さはこの3倍くらいだが、最初の方を紹介してみよう。
I glanced up at the clock, watching the small red hand hop across each second slowly in no hurry to get anywhere. You might call me observant but this kind of thing, noticing small details, taking in everything around me like a newborn, was normal for me.
I, Jason Jonathan miller, am far from ordinary. For one thing I'm an alien. I remember when I was normal, average looking, average smile, rebellious personality. That body belonged to J.J. Pohl. I remember that cold rainy day when J.J. Pohl disappeared from earth forever leaving behind a beautiful unhuman creature with hair like diamond thread and skin the color of pure, pure peach marble.
That creature was me. I still remember the pin coursing my body as I fell to the floor and J.J. Pohl got his last glimpse at the world. In my new form I felt stronger, faster, smarter, and I absolutely hated it.
After some great thought I decided to go to the capital and warn them of the invasion, putting the body I hated so much to good use. At first logical answers to my appearance erupted because they were too afraid to believe the truth. “It’s a mask!” shouted one reaching out to touch my face. The second his fingers made contact with my skin his hand jerked back as if he had stuck his hand on a hot stove. The others watched in awe taking in everything about me from the strangely delicate hands to the deep blue dyes. “He must be the result of some experiment!” One claimed. At last I opened my mouth, letting out a voice that would stop a lion in its tracks.