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白漆喰で、白鷺城の美しさが際立つ。【姫路城】 The white stucco highlights the beauty of Shirasagi(Himeji) Castle.

2020-09-03 10:20:15 | 歴史建造物






Go east to Kyoto "Higashiyama" and go west to Harima "Himeji Castle".

These words have become a standard phrase for my walks and walks.

Because of my work, I often went to Kyoto, Himeji, etc. until last year, so this walk course became a staple. Kyoto is, of course, my favorite city, but Himeji is attracted by the appearance of Himeji Castle, which stands out in the sky as if it were floating in the sky in a major renovation of the Heisei era. I enjoyed watching it as close as I could.


The photo posted is Himeji Castle, which I took in 2014. I heard that the renovation of the Himeji Castle Great Tower will be announced on March 27th, 2015 (2015). This year (2014), the large castle tower had already been uncovered, and the five-story large castle tower was shining white as if it were floating in the autumn sky. It was a revival of "Hakuro Castle".

According to the sources, Hakuro Castle is derived from "the place where Himeji Castle is located at "Rosen", "the beauty of the walls painted with white plaster", "Goisagi etc." It is said that there are many birds known as Shirasagi inhabited, and "From the comparison with Okayama Castle, which is also called "Ujo" because of its black walls".

In addition, it is often called "Shirasagijo" by the general name, but there are various theories about this. It is academically common to read the synonym of Japanese castle walls, so it has come to be called "Hakujo Castle".


It is white to see. The whiteness stands out from a distance. The roof looks white. The roof looks white because the roof tiles are also white plastered. The finish is a joint plaster on the joint stack of the round roof tiles, and the end is twisted (the technique of the plasterer when plastering the plaster), so white is exposed. In addition to the function of stopping roof tiles such as demonstrating that it does not hit) and demon neck plaster (painting on the base of the demon roof), it is made more waterproof.

There are many ways to make it last for hundreds of years. This is the material and technique that builds history. The crystal of that wisdom may have created the unique and exquisite beauty of Japan.

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