北海道機船漁業協同組合連合会内 一般社団法人北洋開発協会 原口聖二
[#73 洋上風力発電と漁業 海外の経験米国 洋上風力の悪影響 道機船連は共和党議員からレターを受信する]
洋上風力産業化の悪影響に関する公開フォーラム – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ycVEcuEa4&t=2720s
2024年01月23日 Seiji(原口聖二)様
連邦政府がこのフォーラムからの情報を直ちに説明し、NOAA と BOEM が税金で補助された高収益のグリーン エネルギーを促進するという観点から風向きに注意を払うのではなく、適切なレベルの精査でこれらのプロジェクトを規制することを願っています。
参加できなかったが、フォーラムの視聴に興味がある場合は、私の YouTube チャンネル @RepAndyHarris にアクセスするか、以下のリンクにアクセスして、イベントの録画にアクセスできます。
あなたにとって、NOAA が提案した付随的取得許可についてコメントする機会にも興味があるかもしれません。
付随的取得許可が付与されれば、米国の 海洋哺乳類に嫌がらせをする建設手順が開始される予定です。
コメントの締め切りは 2023 年 2 月 5 日です。
- コメントの送信 - 海洋哺乳類の採取または輸入: メリーランド州洋上風力プロジェクト
議会での私の活動を把握するには、私の Web サイト (Harris.house.gov) にアクセスし、Harris.house.gov/contact/newsletter-subscribe でサインアップして最新情報を受信してください。
医学博士 アンディ・ハリス 署名
January 23, 2024
Dear Seiji,
Thank you for your interest in Saturday’s Offshore Wind Congressional Public Forum on the consequences of offshore windmill construction. It truly is an honor to represent you in Congress and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and learn more about this concerning environmental and economic issue.
As you may be aware, on Saturday I joined with my colleagues Representative Chris Smith (NJ-4) and Jeff Van Drew (NJ-2) in Ocean City, Maryland, to host a public forum on the implications of offshore wind development. Like Maryland, their state stands to be profoundly affected by these projects.
Experts who testified did so on behalf of fishermen, local and state elected officials, environmental organizations, and economic concerns. In addition, the experience of the panelists was broad, ranging from community leaders and watermen advocates to experts on acoustics and marine life.
The message was clear: the Bureau of Ocean Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have not taken due precautions to consider the national security, environmental, and economic repercussions of offshore wind projects.
In addition, it was made clear that the process used to build offshore windmills disturbs marine life and may be a contributing factor to the unprecedented rise in whale deaths and beachings over the past few years.
Regrettably, it appears that environmental impact standards were bypassed to allow these projects to proceed. It is my hope that the Federal government immediately accounts for information from this forum and that NOAA and BOEM regulate these projects with an appropriate level of scrutiny, rather throwing caution to the wind in the interest of promoting a highly lucrative, taxpayer-subsidized green energy complex.
If you were able to attend on Saturday, I would appreciate your input and participation in this important fact-finding process.
<span ">If you were not able to attend and are interested in watching the forum, you can access the recording of the event by visiting my YouTube channel, @RepAndyHarris, or by visiting the following link below.
You may also be interested in an opportunity to comment on NOAA’s proposed Incidental Take Authorization. The Incidental Take Authorization, if granted, would allow U.S. Wind to commence with construction procedures that harass marine mammals. The deadline for comments is February 5, 2023.
- Submit Comments - Taking or Importing of Marine Mammals: The Maryland Offshore Wind Project
Again, I appreciate your input and interest in this crucial issue. Rest assured that I will continue working tirelessly to resolve the challenges facing our communities. To keep up with my work in Congress, visit my website at Harris.house.gov and sign up to receive updates at Harris.house.gov/contact/newsletter-subscribe.
Member of Congress Andy Harris M.D. Please do not reply to this email. Instead, please send all e-mail messages (including replies) through the web link: Email Andy.