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2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2012年06月25日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど






General Chapter of the SSPX
(posted Saturday, 23 June 2012 at 10:26)

From 9 to 14 July a General Chapter meets in Econe, the Mother House of the Society.

Actually, this general chapter has long been planned in order to clarify purely organizational matters.

No one could know that it would just fall into the time when the Society has to make crucial decisions in the relationship with Rome.

The Statutes of the Society determine who belongs to a general chapter, and when it will be convened in principle. It states in paragraph 5:

V. De Sodalitii Administratione

2. About the General Chapter

It meets every 12 years for the election of the Superior General and his two assistants. It also has the task of verifying whether the Society carefully follows the statutes and whether it strives to preserve the spirit of these statutes. One should be careful not to introduce modifications or changes, except perhaps in the chapter on the management of the Society with regard to their development.

3. About the members of the General Chapter

- The former superior general and his two assistants, the Secretary-General and the General Treasurer

- The District Superiors

- The Seminary Rectors

- The superiors of autonomous houses

- The auxiliary bishops in the service of the Society

- The former Superior Generals

- Finally all those priests who have been the longest members of the Society and have made their perpetual promise (among the same, the eldest), to the extent of one third of the members ex officio, as long as the Society numbers less than 1,000 priests as members.

The General Chapter scheduled for June was planned as pure "organizational general chapter", because practical things should be discussed. It is therefore outside the normal interval of 12 years since the last General Chapter held in 2006.

The Superior General asked in a circular dated 21 of June all priests to pray a novena from 30 of June to 8 of July. Daily a prayer "Veni sancte spiritus" - "Come, Creator Ghost" followed by the invocation "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us" (three times) and "Saint Pius X, pray for us" should be prayed.

In the chapter the Superior General with trust will use the opportunity to strengthen the unity within the Society.

Just in the current discussions with Rome, it is of utmost importance that the Society act together. Any unnecessary division would mean a weakening of the work of Archbishop Lefebvre, and thus the tradition of the Church.

It is thus very desirable that the superiors of the Society exchange views in order to respond in the greatest possible consensus to the offer of Rome. It will be important for the Superior General to be there, open to deal with the arguments that are put forward in favor or against it.

However the final decision rests in his hand. The Society is not headed by a bishops association or a collegial conference, but - as befits a Catholic congregation - by a general.

In this difficult and decisive moment for the church history, we would like to ask all the faithful of the Society, to multiply their prayers!

When Peter, the first apostle, was in prison (Acts Chapter 12), it is said about the faithful: "The congregation prayed for him without ceasing to be God." (Acts 12:5).

Let us follow their example! Let us pray for the leaders of the Society. Join - if possible - the novena of your priest and you call the Holy Ghost down to the General Chapter:

Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.

R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray. O God, Who hast taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Immaculate Heart of Mary - Pray for us! (Three times)

Saint Pius X - Pray for us.

The General Chapter of 2006 in the courtyard of the Seminary of Econe. Soon priests from all over the world will come to where the founder of the Society is buried: His Eminence Archbishop Lefebvre.


2012年06月25日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど




Veni Creator Spiritus






