P.S. 昨日このブログをのせようとしたら、夫への謝辞のところで、You are the モデル American husband というところのmodelの語が何回入れても消えてしまうんです。ふしぎです。文章の意味が随分違ってきますよね。今もカタカナで書きました。この文は禁句なんでしょうか?
It was in the mid 1990s when I became very interested in mothers’childrearing anxiety and stress in Japan. Since then, I have given birth to two children and experienced parenthood in Japan and the United States. Without my own children, I would not have gained insights of what every parent goes through. So I would first like to thank my children, x and xx who have sharpened my perspective and given me unconditional love, which I do not deserve. Although I often regret not being available to you due to my studies when you needed my attention, I am proud to see the independent natures you are developing.
Special appreciation goes to my academic and dissertation advisor, Dr. x. Throughout the graduate program, I have been repeatedly reminded of how fortunate I am to learn from someone who is a living testimony of how I would like to grow in my professional career. You have demonstrated genuine passion toward my topic and encouraged me to pursue my interest from the very beginning. I could not be any more thankful for your continuous support and feedback that made this sometimes tedious and time-consuming work manageable and pleasant. You have also taught me wisdom for life in our frequent email exchanges, which I will hold in a special place in my heart.
I am very grateful to my doctoral committee members, Drs. , , x, and x. Thanks so much for providing invaluable feedback from the beginning of this project. I sincerely appreciated your guidance, support, and encouraging comments.
I would like to thank Dr. x for his generous gift of the international travel scholarship. Your gift made it possible for me to travel to Japan to collect all necessary data. Additional appreciation goes to the x Public Library for donating parenting magazines and also my friend xx for bringing me a boxful of parenting magazines for me to use for analyses. I thank my Japanese parents and sister for driving me to various public libraries in Japan and assisted me in making numerous copies of parenting magazines in addition to their unending support and encouragement.
I am grateful to several Japanese family study and early childhood scholars. I was very fortunate to receive feedback at an early stage in my dissertation from Dr. xx and Dr. x. Dr. xx, a pioneer researcher in childrearing anxiety in Japan, provided me with many helpful insights into Japanese childrearing. My life long mentor, xx contacted several early childhood professionals to arrange some online discussions for me regarding the idea of child-centeredness.
I feel particularly privileged when I recall all of the family members and friends here in the United States who supported me with kind words and prayers. A big thank you goes to my in-laws who have respected the way I am and encouraged me to finish my journey as a doctoral student.
Finally, my upmost appreciation goes to my husband, x. Half of this PhD belongs to you. I'm unable to list all that you have done for me since I started this doctoral program. You are the モデル American husbands, the envy of many Japanese women. You have provided not only instrumental support though. Your continous prayers, words of encouragements, and sacrifical love have made it possible for me to complete this dissertation. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to you and our God.
P.S. 昨日このブログをのせようとしたら、夫への謝辞のところで、You are the モデル American husband というところのmodelの語が何回入れても消えてしまうんです。ふしぎです。文章の意味が随分違ってきますよね。今もカタカナで書きました。この文は禁句なんでしょうか?
It was in the mid 1990s when I became very interested in mothers’childrearing anxiety and stress in Japan. Since then, I have given birth to two children and experienced parenthood in Japan and the United States. Without my own children, I would not have gained insights of what every parent goes through. So I would first like to thank my children, x and xx who have sharpened my perspective and given me unconditional love, which I do not deserve. Although I often regret not being available to you due to my studies when you needed my attention, I am proud to see the independent natures you are developing.
Special appreciation goes to my academic and dissertation advisor, Dr. x. Throughout the graduate program, I have been repeatedly reminded of how fortunate I am to learn from someone who is a living testimony of how I would like to grow in my professional career. You have demonstrated genuine passion toward my topic and encouraged me to pursue my interest from the very beginning. I could not be any more thankful for your continuous support and feedback that made this sometimes tedious and time-consuming work manageable and pleasant. You have also taught me wisdom for life in our frequent email exchanges, which I will hold in a special place in my heart.
I am very grateful to my doctoral committee members, Drs. , , x, and x. Thanks so much for providing invaluable feedback from the beginning of this project. I sincerely appreciated your guidance, support, and encouraging comments.
I would like to thank Dr. x for his generous gift of the international travel scholarship. Your gift made it possible for me to travel to Japan to collect all necessary data. Additional appreciation goes to the x Public Library for donating parenting magazines and also my friend xx for bringing me a boxful of parenting magazines for me to use for analyses. I thank my Japanese parents and sister for driving me to various public libraries in Japan and assisted me in making numerous copies of parenting magazines in addition to their unending support and encouragement.
I am grateful to several Japanese family study and early childhood scholars. I was very fortunate to receive feedback at an early stage in my dissertation from Dr. xx and Dr. x. Dr. xx, a pioneer researcher in childrearing anxiety in Japan, provided me with many helpful insights into Japanese childrearing. My life long mentor, xx contacted several early childhood professionals to arrange some online discussions for me regarding the idea of child-centeredness.
I feel particularly privileged when I recall all of the family members and friends here in the United States who supported me with kind words and prayers. A big thank you goes to my in-laws who have respected the way I am and encouraged me to finish my journey as a doctoral student.
Finally, my upmost appreciation goes to my husband, x. Half of this PhD belongs to you. I'm unable to list all that you have done for me since I started this doctoral program. You are the モデル American husbands, the envy of many Japanese women. You have provided not only instrumental support though. Your continous prayers, words of encouragements, and sacrifical love have made it possible for me to complete this dissertation. Therefore, this dissertation is dedicated to you and our God.