


2013-12-22 07:05:02 | ギタ-・ロックの話



                                              Pop Gear

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Pop Gear
                                                                                            Pop Gear FilmPoster.jpeg
Directed by Frederic Goode
Written by Roger Dunton
Starring Jimmy Savile (host)
Cinematography Geoffrey Unsworth
Studio Associated British-Pathé
Distributed by Warner-Pathé Distributors
Release dates Early 1965
Running time 70 min
Language English

Pop Gear (US: Go Go Mania) is a British music review film, directed by Frederic Goode wbhich was released in 1965. It contains live concert footage of The Beatles, and lip-synched films of some of the British Invasion bands, including The Animals, Herman's Hermits, The Nashville Teens, Peter and Gordon, Matt Monro, Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas, The Honeycombs, The Rockin' Berries, and the Spencer Davis Group. The material by The Beatles was lifted from a newsreel short The Beatles Come to Town (1963). The film was released sometime between January and April 1965, the footage having been filmed in December 1964.

Artists and songs in order:

"She Loves You" The Beatles
"Little Children" Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas
"Make Him Mine" Susan Maughan
"Juliet" The Four Pennies
"The House of the Rising Sun" The Animals
"A Little Loving" The Fourmost
"He's in Town" The Rockin' Berries
"Have I the Right" The Honeycombs
"Rinky Dink" Sounds Incorporated
"A World Without Love" Peter and Gordon
"Walk Away" Matt Monro
"I'm Into Something Good" Herman's Hermits
"Humpty Dumpty" Tommy Quickly and the Remo Four
"Whatcha Gonna Do" Billie Davis
"My Babe" The Spencer Davis Group
(featuring Steve Winwood)
"Tobacco Road" The Nashville Teens
"What In The World's Come Over You" The Rockin' Berries
"For Mama" Matt Monro
"Black Girl" The Four Pennies
"William Tell" Sounds Incorporated
"Google Eye" The Nashville Teens
"Eyes" The Honeycombs
"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" The Animals
"Pop Gear" Matt Monro
"Twist And Shout" The Beatles

此処に羅列されている曲は全てゲット出来たぞ。ただしThe Rockin' Berries のHe's in town はCDが見つからないというか、廃盤扱いされているのかも知れない。針はレコードを持っていますので、デジタル変換して聞いています。以前(今も作っていますが)作った「針の思い込みで選んだCDのゴールデンアルバム」現在23枚の中にも大切に入れてあります。何たって「青春の宝物」ですからね。




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