今朝は4時20分に起きることができました。これで2日連続です。 良好、良好!!
先週の札幌出張で連日の飲み会、ニセコアンヌプリ登山、山から帰ってもゲスト泊が続いていたので、早寝早起きができずにおりました。やや体調崩し気味でしたので、これを契機に調子を戻したい。 夏本番はこれからだからな。しかし、この位のことはハードではなかったんだがなあ・・、くやしいかな、「歳だなあ・・」と実感せざるを得ない。 なんども書いては宣言しているが、生活を変えんといかん。
This is my English training. Please correct the mistakes. At the last moment, foreign students will come here from tomorrow.
I have got up at 04:20 this morning. It continues 2 mornings. I feel as well for my health because I was drinking every night during the business trip in Sapporo and after coming back, drinking with the visitor to our Nature-School. Therefore I have not been well slightly.
By the way, the temperature of this morning is 17 degrees. It's too cool as if wearing a T-shirts alone . In Japan now, around Tokyo area and the west of Japan, it is very very hot, over 30 degrees every day, especially 35~38 degrees. But the daytime of Hokkaido is 28 degrees even if hot, at the same time, it’s cooler in the shade. Hokkaido has the nature air-conditioner!!! I think the Hokkaido tourist industry should advertise “The summer of Hokkaido is the nature air-conditioner!!” Everybody, Please come to Hokkaido!!!!
先週の札幌出張で連日の飲み会、ニセコアンヌプリ登山、山から帰ってもゲスト泊が続いていたので、早寝早起きができずにおりました。やや体調崩し気味でしたので、これを契機に調子を戻したい。 夏本番はこれからだからな。しかし、この位のことはハードではなかったんだがなあ・・、くやしいかな、「歳だなあ・・」と実感せざるを得ない。 なんども書いては宣言しているが、生活を変えんといかん。
This is my English training. Please correct the mistakes. At the last moment, foreign students will come here from tomorrow.
I have got up at 04:20 this morning. It continues 2 mornings. I feel as well for my health because I was drinking every night during the business trip in Sapporo and after coming back, drinking with the visitor to our Nature-School. Therefore I have not been well slightly.
By the way, the temperature of this morning is 17 degrees. It's too cool as if wearing a T-shirts alone . In Japan now, around Tokyo area and the west of Japan, it is very very hot, over 30 degrees every day, especially 35~38 degrees. But the daytime of Hokkaido is 28 degrees even if hot, at the same time, it’s cooler in the shade. Hokkaido has the nature air-conditioner!!! I think the Hokkaido tourist industry should advertise “The summer of Hokkaido is the nature air-conditioner!!” Everybody, Please come to Hokkaido!!!!