Andrew J Holloway, Alicia Oshlack, Dileepa S Diyagama, David DL Bowtell and Gordon K Smyth
Statistical analysis of an RNA titration series evaluates microarray precision and sensitivity on a whole-array basis
BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:511
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・結論「They quantify the extent to which cross-platform measures can be expected to be less accurate than within-platform comparisons for predicting disease progression or outcome.」
・問題点「Despite the growing number of publications, only a limited number of methods are available to assess the accuracy of genome-scale expression platforms.」
・結果「Affymetrix enjoys the best agreement with the other platforms and cDNA the least. The oligo platform is better correlated with Agilent and Affymetrix than the cDNA platform despite being no more precise, suggesting that the annotation of the Compugen probes is superior to that of the cDNA probes.」
・結果「The defferences were so large that Affymetrix quantified with MAS5.0 was the worst of all the platforms considered in this study whereas Affymetrix quantified with RMA was nearly the best.」
Statistical analysis of an RNA titration series evaluates microarray precision and sensitivity on a whole-array basis
BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:511
[PDF][Web Site]
・結論「They quantify the extent to which cross-platform measures can be expected to be less accurate than within-platform comparisons for predicting disease progression or outcome.」
・問題点「Despite the growing number of publications, only a limited number of methods are available to assess the accuracy of genome-scale expression platforms.」
・結果「Affymetrix enjoys the best agreement with the other platforms and cDNA the least. The oligo platform is better correlated with Agilent and Affymetrix than the cDNA platform despite being no more precise, suggesting that the annotation of the Compugen probes is superior to that of the cDNA probes.」
・結果「The defferences were so large that Affymetrix quantified with MAS5.0 was the worst of all the platforms considered in this study whereas Affymetrix quantified with RMA was nearly the best.」