Gordon K. Smyth and Terry Speed
Normalization of cDNA microarray data.
Methods 31, 265-273. (2003)
Web Site]
Normalization means to adjust microarray data for effects which arise from variation in the technology rather than from biological differences between the RNA samples or between the printed probes.」
Normalization is usually applied to the log-ratios of expression, which will be written M = log2R - log2G. The log-intensity of each spot will be written A = ( log2R + log2G) / 2, a measure of the overall brightness of the spot.」
It is convenient to use base-2 logarithms for M and A so that M is units of 2-fold change and A is in units of 2-fold increase in brightness.」
The plan of this article is as follows.
Section 2 describes diagnostic plots to visualize intensity and spatial trends.
Section 3 describes the basic normalization method, print-tip loess normalization, designed to adjust for intensity and spatial trends.
Section 4 describes composite loess normalization in which use is made of control spots known to be not differentially expressed.
Section 5 considers normalization for other trends, in particular, correcting for print-order effects.
Section 6 describes scale normalization between arrays.
Section 7 describes the use of spot quality weights
Section 8 gives detailed commands to implement the normalization techniques using freely available software.」