

【食】三明歓 [いろいろ@登別]

2008年04月11日 22時05分24秒 | 外食記録2008
注文 豚しょうが焼き定食 650円




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【論】Li,2005,Analysis of recursive gene selection ~

2008年04月11日 08時02分52秒 | 論文記録
Fan Li and Yiming Yang
Analysis of recursive gene selection approaches from microarray data
Bioinformatics 2005 21(19):3741-3747
[PDF][Web Site]

1.ALL-AML Leukemia data [Fodor,1997]
2.Breast Cancer data [Van't Veer,2002]
3.GCM data [Ramaswamy,2001]
2.Ridge regression (RR) (recursive, non-recursive)
3.SVM (recursive, non-recursive)
・クラス分け評価法:Leave one out cross-validation

・問題点「However, it is not well understood how much of the success depends on the choice of the specific classifier and how much on the recursive procedure.
・「filtering approaches, meaning that feature selection is carried out in a preprocessing step of classification, independent from the choice of the classification method, and wrapper approaches, meaning that a classifier is used to generate scores for features in the selection process and feature selection depends on the choice of the classifier.
・問題点「However, they have very different strategy to penalize redundant features, which lead to their very different gene selection performance.
・目的「In this paper, we addressed a key question for wrapper-style feature selection: what property of a classifier would lead to the success of recursive feature elimination?
・結果「By analyzing three different classifiers, we find that the ability of a classifier for penalizing redundant features in the recursive process has a strong influence on its success.
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