


2009-02-28 09:07:41 | 自閉症アメリカ教育事情

Dear all,

I just wanted to let you know that yesterday was a truly exciting night for k (息子の名前)as he received 3 awards from LMS(息子の中学の名前). We are really touched by the progress he has made, especially considering his challenges related to his disability. When K was a preschooler, my husband and I used to worry that he would never be able to speak, transition out of diapers or even attend a regular classroom. It has been almost like a miracle to us. As parents, we are really proud of his efforts and desire to excel.

Thanks so much again for all you have given to K in terms of time and special assistance. My husband and I truly believe that his accomplishments are largely due to the competent and supportive faculty and staff at LMS.




You’re welcome. It is my pleasure and privilege to have K for 3 periods every day. I have noticed considerable improvement in his speech and eye contact since September. He is just delightful and deserved every award he received last night.

Kudos to both of you for raising such a competent young man. I have every confidence K will have great achievements throughout his life.


Thank you for your words of encouragement. I was so proud of K last night and he truly deserved all of the awards he received. So much of the credit goes to K himself. He is self-motivated, conscientious and has a positive attitude. You have also been very supportive and loving to him as parents. He is a tremendous young man with incredible potential! Thank you for sharing your lovely words…..you made our day! Take care…..


He sure is having a great year, isn’t he….
He is such a pleasure to be around.
Thanks for the kind words and for being there last evening.


Thank you so much for your kind words. K is truly a remarkable boy. He is a delight to teach. I feel privileged to have him in class.

Thank you so much,

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