Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編524.From Philippines20.  大晦日

2021年12月31日 | field work








注)南雲直子、大原美保、Badri Bhakta SHRESTHA、澤野久弥:フィリピンの洪水常襲地帯における洪水氾濫解析とGISマッピング―災害対応計画作成に向けた取り組みと課題―Flood Simulation and GIS Mapping in Flood-prone Region of the Philippines: Efforts and Issues in Contingency Planning、公益社団法人 日本地理学会.E-journal GEO 11(2), 361-374, 2016




(In English)

New Year's Eve

The last image of the year will end with the BULCAN sunset.

NIKKA did his best to shoot, so I continued until New Year's Eve. I am grateful.

According to Japanese information, the state of BULCAN, where this city is located, is a flood-prone area in the lower reaches of the Pampanga River. Therefore, a simulation of the evacuation plan was carried out and summarized as an academic paper (Note1).

In fact, NIKKA's house has been flooded twice in the short period I know. It is also the dry season. Changes in the global environment due to CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are likely to be behind. The global environment is changing little by little.

With such concerns, it seems that we will enter a new year.

Note1) Naoko Nagumo, Miho Ohara, Badri Bhakta SHRESTHA, Hisaya Sawano: ―Flood Simulation and GIS Mapping in Flood-prone Region of the Philippines: Efforts and Issues in Contingency Planning, The Association of Japanese Geographers. 2), 361-374, 2016


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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