Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編522.From Philippines18. 年末

2021年12月29日 | field work













(in English)Year-end

 In Japan, the shopping season at the end of the year was active. On the other hand, how was the end of the year in the Philippines? I don't know because the images from NIKKA don't come in real time. I'll give you an image near the end of the year.

Compared to Japan, it is a Bulacan market that is usually crowded. If you say that, the Japanese will argue that there are more people in the Japanese market! What is often here is not about quantity, but about the signs of people and the liveliness of the market filled with products.

After all, there are many people in the literary field in Japan, so the numbers are noisy. That doesn't mean they're good at math, they're just good at swinging around. Such a phenomenon is unpleasant for an engineering person. That's why I'm always laughing in my heart.

Also, in the scene of a work meeting, the officials read the numbers quickly, but when they go a little further and talk about the analysis method of the third kind of quantification, they are silent all at once. They are, after all, vulnerable to mathematics.

By the way, quantification type 3 may be used for analysis even with 40% explanatory power. So it's a nuisance to me just to have the numbers swing around.

The topic was off.

With that, the end of the year is approaching.


Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

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