Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編519.From Philippines15. フィリピンの色彩

2021年12月26日 | field work











(In English)Filipino colors

It's a birthday party outside because there are children dressed up. This is no different from the Japanese landscape when viewed from a distance. However, Japanese commercial facilities do not have children's birthday parties. In Japan, we celebrate quietly at home.

There are many Bertie participants in the Philippines. That is the difference from Japan. If you go to the countryside of the Philippines, it is a large family where many people called relatives come and go. Therefore, there are many children. In that case, it may not be a party.

Looking at it like that, is there a tendency for the birthrate to decline a little here as well?

I don't know the situation around that unless I live in this land. Understanding different cultures has the meaning of communication with foreign countries.

It is this color that stands out more than that. Of course it's a little crap. However, looking at the color trends, it is still the influence of American culture.

At this point, I thought that if I brought in the colors of Deborah Sussman, who was the colorist of Jon Jerde's office, it would be elegant and accepted by the Filipinos. In other words, I was looking at these images from an architectural perspective.

Shooting and direction: NIKKA PAGUTALUNAN

Shooting equipment: The cheapest smartphone

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