They say Time flies. I think it's true. My wife came to Japan last year. She has a year's memorable experience. But when we sit and talk about that it seems a quite brief.ところで、僕はユーサフ先生のブログもそうですが、他の英語サイトの情報なども一応通読するのですが、その後は直ぐに「Exciteの翻訳サービス」を利用します。少し変な日本語で半分ほどしか分かりませんが、通読で理解した部分と合わせると6.7割位にはなってきます。後は想像するのですが、僕にはそれが逆に面白いと思えるのです。
We began to reside in Senriyama Danchi last October. Fortunately, there was a beautiful and cute park for kids just in front of our house. We used to play with kids or sit in the bright days in autumn. The season is particularly attractive and charming. It is celebrated enthusiastically. On the contrary, the autumn is the symbol disappointment and desertion. Here in Japan the red leaves trees look like brides. We always refresh ourselves looking at them.