自力整体でいきいき歩き: 狛 雅子

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胸キュン その3 Fields of St. Etienne

2013-01-10 17:35:39 | 唄と踊り

私にとってMary Hopkinといえば、超有名なThose were the daysよりも

   Fields of St. Etienne です。

Waving proudly, singing loudly
Being young and foolish  <若くて、無知だから>
He was going never knowing
He would not return <復路のない行進だということも知らないで>


ISASでのMusical,コマリア版West side Storyでは第6作Darknessの中で
Mary Hopkin版ではコーラス部分を彼女の夫がハモっています。
さすがプロ!Paul MaCartneyプロデュースの名盤なので、Youtubeでどうぞ。

Through the fields of St Etienne
Amidst the corn I wander
In my hand an ear of corn
The morning dew has kissed

Here beneath these skies
I lay with my lover
While the summer winds gathered clouds of war

Au revoir my love
Though the reasons pass me
Why we can't remain in the fields of St. Etienne

Waving proudly, singing loudly
Being young and foolish

He was going never knowing
He would not return
Singing songs of war
Filled with God and country
Marching down the road with the boys that day

Au revoir my love
Though the reasons pass me
Why we can't remain in the fields of St. Etienne

<Au revoirとはフランス語で、「さようなら」の意味です>
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