Credidimus Caritati 私たちは天主の愛を信じた

2024年から贖いの業の2000周年(33 - 2033)のノベナの年(2024-2033)が始まります


2013年06月27日 | 聖ピオ十世会関連のニュースなど






Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecrations (30th June 1988 – 27th June 2013)

1- On the occasion of the 25th June 1988. Most especially they would like to express their filial gratitude towards their venerable founder who, after so many years spent serving the Church and the Sovereign Pontiff, so as to safeguard the Faith and the Catholic priesthood, did not hesitate to suffer the unjust accusation of disobedience.

2- In his letter addressed to us before the consecrations, he wrote, “I beseech you to remain attached to the See of Peter, to the Roman Church, Mother and Mistress of all churches, in the integral Catholic Faith, as expressed in the Professions of Faith, in the catechism of the Council of Trent, in conformity with that which you have been taught in the seminary. Remain faithful to the transmission of this Faith so that the reign of Our Lord may come.” It is indeed this phrase which expresses the profound reason for the act which he was going to undertake “so that the reign of Our Lord might come,” adveniat regnum tuum!

3- Following Archbishop Lefebvre, we affirm that the cause of the grave errors which are in the process of demolishing the Church does not reside in a bad interpretation of the conciliar texts – a “hermeneutic of rupture” which would be opposed to a “hermeneutic of reform in continuity” – but truly in the texts themselves, by virtue of the unheard of choice made by Vatican II. This choice is manifest in its documents and in its spirit; faced with “secular and profane humanism,” faced with the “religion (as indeed it is) of man who makes himself God,” the Church as unique custodian of Revelation “of God who became man” has wanted to make known its “new humanism” by saying to the modern world, “we too, we more than any other, have the cult of man.” (Paul VI, closing speech, 7th December 1965). But this coexistence of the cult of God and the cult of man is radically opposed to the Catholic Faith which teaches us to render the supreme cult and to give the primacy exclusively to the one true God and to only His Son, Jesus Christ, in whom “dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity corporeally” (Col. 2:9).

4- We are truly obliged to observe that this Council without comparison, which wanted to be merely pastoral and not dogmatic, inaugurated a new type of magisterium, hitherto unheard of in the Church, without roots in Tradition; a magisterium resolved to reconcile Catholic doctrine with liberal ideas; a magisterium imbued with the modernist ideas of subjectivism, of immanentism and of perpetual evolution according to the false concept of a living tradition, vitiating the nature, the content, the role and the exercise of ecclesiastical magisterium.

5- Henceforth the reign of Christ is no longer the preoccupation of the ecclesiastical authorities, despite the fact that Christ’s words, “all power is given to me on earth and in heaven,” (Mt 28:18) remain an absolute truth and an absolute reality. To deny them in action is tantamount to no longer recognising in practice the divinity of Our Lord. Hence because of the Council, the sovereignty of Christ over human societies is simply ignored, and even combatted, and the Church is imbued with this liberal spirit which manifests itself especially in religious liberty, ecumenism, collegiality and the New Mass.

6- Religious Liberty, as exposed by Dignitatis humanae and its practical application these last fifty years, logically leads to demanding God-made-Man to renounce His reign over man-who-makes-himself-God, which is equivalent to dissolving Christ. In the place of a conduct which is inspired by a solid faith in the real power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we see the Church being shamefully guided by human prudence and with such self-doubt that she asks nothing other from the State than that which the Masonic Lodges wish to concede to her: the common law in the midst of, and on the same level as, other religions which she no longer dares call false.

7- In the name of a ubiquitous ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio) and of a vain inter-religious dialogue (Nostra Aetate), the truth about the one true Church is silenced; also, as a large part of the clergy and the faithful no longer see in Our Lord and the Catholic Church the unique way of salvation, they have renounced to convert the adepts of false religions, leaving them rather in ignorance of the unique Truth. This ecumenism has thus literally killed the missionary spirit through seeking a false unity, too often reducing the mission of the Church to that of delivering a message of a purely terrestrial peace and of a humanitarian role of lessening want in the world, placing it thereby in the wake of international organisations.

8- The weakening of faith in Our Lord’s divinity favours a dissolution of the unity of authority in the Church, by introducing a collegial, egalitarian and democratic spirit, (see Lumen Gentium). Christ is no longer the head from which everything flows, in particular the exercise of authority. The Sovereign Pontiff who no longer exercises effectively the fullness of his authority, and the bishops who – contrary to the teaching of Vatican I – esteem that they can collegially and habitually share the fullness of the supreme power, commit themselves thereby, with the priests, to listen to and to follow ‘the people of God,’ the new sovereign. This represents the destruction of authority and in consequence the ruin of Christian institutions: families, seminaries, religious institutes.

9- The New Mass, promulgated in 1969, diminishes the affirmation of the reign of Christ by the Cross (“regnavit a ligno Deus”). Indeed, the rite itself curtails and obscures the sacrificial and propitiatory nature of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Underpinning this new rite is the new and false theology of the paschal mystery. Both one and the other destroy Catholic spirituality as founded upon the sacrifice of Our Lord on Calvary. This Mass is penetrated with an ecumenical and Protestant spirit, democratic and humanist, which empties out the sacrifice of the Cross. It illustrates the new concept of ‘the common priesthood of the baptised’ which undermines the sacramental priesthood of the priest.

10- Fifty years on, the causes persist and still engender the same effects. Hence today the consecrations retain their full justification. It was love of the Church which guided Archbishop Lefebvre and which guides his sons. It is the same desire to “pass on the Catholic priesthood in all its doctrinal purity and its missionary charity” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey) which animates the Society of Saint Pius X at the service of the Church, when it asks with insistence for the Roman authorities to regain the treasure of doctrinal, moral and liturgical Tradition.

11- This love of the Church explains the rule that Archbishop Lefebvre always observed: to follow Providence in all circumstances, without ever allowing oneself to anticipate it. We mean to do the same: either when Rome returns to Tradition and to the Faith of all time – which would re-establish order in the Church; or when she explicitly acknowledges our right to profess integrally the Faith and to reject the errors which oppose it, with the right and the duty for us to oppose publicly the errors and the proponents of these errors, whoever they may be – which would allow the beginning of a re-establishing of order. Meanwhile, faced with this crisis which continues its ravages in the Church, we persevere in the defence of Catholic Tradition and our hope remains entire, as we know by the certitude of Faith that “the gates of hell will not prevail against her.” (Mt 16:18)

12- We mean to follow well the injunction of our dear and venerable Father in the episcopacy: “Dear friends, be my consolation in Christ, remain strong in the Faith, faithful to the true sacrifice of the Mass, to the true and holy Priesthood of Our Lord, for the triumph and the glory of Jesus in heaven and on earth” (Letter to the bishops). May the Holy Trinity, by the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, grant us the grace of fidelity to the episcopacy which we have received and which we want to exercise for the honour of God, the triumph of the Church and the salvation of souls.

Ecône, 27th June 2013, on the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

Bishop Bernard Fellay
Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais
Bishop Alfonso de Galaretta

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聖ヨハネの有名な Ut queant laxis resonare fibris という賛歌

2013年06月27日 | グレゴリオ聖歌


 6月24日は洗者聖ヨハネの祝日でした。そこで、聖ヨハネの祝日に聖務日課で歌う有名な Ut queant laxis resonare fibris という賛歌の日本語の訳をご紹介します。

 第一節は特に有名で、ドレミの名前の元になっています。最初のUT は、後にDO となりました。

UT queant laxis
REsonare fibris 
MIra gestorum
FAmuli tuorum, 
SOLve polluti
LAbii reatum, 
Sancte Iohannes. 


 Catholic Encyclopedia には次のような説明がありました。13世紀のドゥランドゥス(Durandus)によると、8世紀のモンテカシーノのベネディクト会修道士であったパウルス・ディアコヌス(助祭パウロ Paulus Diaconus)は、ランゴバルドの歴史を書いて有名な人ですが、復活の徹夜祭で、助祭として復活の賛美歌 Exsultet を歌うことになっていました。しかし、聖土曜日になるといきなり、のどがかすれて声が出なくなっってしまったそうです。そこで、かつてザカリア(聖ヨハネの父親)に声がもどったように、声をもどることを祈って、この最初の一節を作ったとのことです。


 サッポー詩節とは次のようなものです。(― は長い、Uは短い、xはどちらでも可を意味します。)
  ― U ― ― ― || UU ― U ― x
  ― U ― ― ― || UU ― U ― x
  ― U ― ― ― || UU ― U ― x
    ― UU ― x

 この聖ヨハネ賛歌のメロディーについては、Silvia Walliによる Melodien aus mittelalterlichen Horaz-Handschriften. Edition und Interpretation der Quellen. 及びJan M. Ziolkowskiによる、 Nota Bene: Reading Classics and Writing Melodies in the Early Middle Ages (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007)によれば、11世紀の写本(Montpellier, Ecole de Médecine 425H)に、ホラーティウスの『歌集』4巻11歌1-20 Est mihi nonum superantis annum というピュッリスへの叙情詩にこれと同じメロディーが付けられて歌われていたそうです。これは自分の友人マエケーナースの誕生日に、ピュッリスという女性を呼んで、彼女に詩を贈るという内容です。

Est mihi nonum superantis annum
plenus Albani cadus, est in horto,
Phylli, nectendis apium coronis,
 est hederae vis



Ut queant laxis resonare fibris しもべらがゆるやかな声帯で
mira gestorum famuli tuorum, 御身の驚くべき行為を奏でることが出来るよう
solve polluti labii reatum, けがれた唇の罪を赦したまえ
Sancte Iohannes. 聖ヨハネよ。

nuntius celso veniens Olympo 高き天より御使いが来たりて
te patri magnum fore nasciturum, 偉大なる御身が生まれることを
nomen et vitae seriem gerendae 御身の名とその一連の生涯を
ordine promit. 正しく御身の父に預言する。

【Olympus は、オリュンポスの山、転じて、神々のすむところ、そこより転じて天国】

ille promissi dubius superni 父は天からの預言を疑い
perdidit promptae modulos loquelae, 意のままに話す力を失った
sed reformasti genitus peremptae しかし御身は生まれると
organa vocis. 失われた声の喉を直した。

ventris obstruso positus cubili 御身は閉ざされし母胎にあるとき
senseras regem thalamo manentem; 寝室にいる王を察知した
hinc parens nati meritis uterque ここから両の親は子供の功徳により
abdita pandit. 秘密のことを明らかにする。

【regem thalamo manentem 寝室に留まりつつある王とは、聖母マリア様の胎内にいたイエズス・キリストのこと。聖母マリア様が洗者聖ヨハネの母親である聖エリザベトを訪問した時のことを指す。「両の親」とは、ザカリアとエリザベトではなく、文脈から聖エリザベトと聖母マリアとの二人である。これは、二人の会話(聖エリザベトの発言と聖母マリア様のマニフィカット)に言及していると考えられるから。】

antra deserti teneris sub annis 御身は少年のとき民の喧騒を避けて
civium turmas fugiens petisti, 荒野の洞穴におもむいた
ne levi saltem maculare vitam 軽薄な会話でその生きざまを
famine posses. せめて汚すことがないように。

praebuit hirtum tegimen camelus 駱駝が剛毛の衣服を、羊が腰紐を
artubus sacris, strophium bidentes, 聖なる体に与えた
cui latex haustum, sociata pastum 飲物は水であり食物は
mella locustis. 蜂蜜といなごであった

ceteri tantum cecinere vatum 他の予言者達が予感の心で告げたのは
corde praesago iubar adfuturum, ただの光の到来にすぎなかった
tu quidem mundi scelus auferentem ところが御身は世の罪を取り除くお方を
indice prodis. 指を指して明らかにした。

non fuit vasti spatium per orbis 広き世界の中でもヨハネに以上に
sanctior quisquam genitus Iohanne, 聖なる人が生まれたことはない
qui nefas saecli meruit lavantem 彼は世の罪を洗い清めるお方を
tingere lymphis. 水で濡らすを許された。

o nimis felix meritique celsi, ああ余りにも幸福で高き功徳の人
nesciens labem nivei pudoris, 白い純潔の汚れ知らず
praepotens martyr eremique cultor, いとも力ある殉教者にして隠遁の信奉者
maxime vatum! 最大の予言者!

serta ter denis alios coronant 三十の果実をつけた冠が、他の人達を飾り
aucta crementis, duplicata quosdam, 別の人達をその倍の果実の冠が飾る
trina centeno cumulata fructu ところが聖者よ御身を飾るのは
te, sacer, ornant. 三百の果実を盛った冠なのだ


nunc potens nostri meritis opimis 最善の功徳もて力ある御身は今こそ
pectoris duros lapides repelle, われらの胸の堅き石を除きたまえ
asperum planans iter et reflexos 起伏多き道をならし
dirige calles, 曲がれる小道を伸ばしたまえ

ut pius mundi sator et redemptor 世の優しき救い主かつ贖い主が
mentibus pulsa livione puris 邪念の去った清い人々の心に
rite dignetur veniens sacratos 正しく聖なる足取りを置いて
ponere gressus. かたじけなくも来給わんことを。

laudibus cives celebrant superni 天の住民は御身を称賛し奉る
te, Deus simplex pariterque trine, 一にして三位なる天主よ、
supplices ac nos veniam precamur, われらもまた伏して許しを願い奉る
parce redemptis.  贖われた者たちを容赦し給え。

sit decus Patri genitaeque Proli 聖父および生まれし聖子に
et tibi, compar utriusque virtus, 聖父と聖子との等しく両者の力なる聖霊よ御身にも、
Spiritus semper, Deus unus, omni 唯一の天主よ、常に栄光あれ
temporis aevo. いつの世にも





2013年06月27日 | カトリックとは


二 十 三 日
望     徳

イエズス・キリストは葡萄(ぶどう)のたとえを以て之を教え給うた。「我は葡萄(ぶどう)の樹(き)にして汝(なんじ)等(ら)は枝なり。枝が葡萄(ぶどう)の樹(き)に止(とど)まるにあらずば、自(みずか)ら実(み)を結(むす)ぶ事能(あた)わざる如く、汝(なんじ)等(ら)が我に止(とど)まるにあらずば能(あた)わず。我に止(とど)まり、叉,我がこれに止(とど)まる人は、これ多くの実(み)を結(むす)ぶ者なり」(ヨハネ 十五、四、五)ゆえに我等が天主の報(むく)いを得(え)べき善業(ぜんぎょう)を行う為には天主から御聖寵(おめぐみ)を頂かねばならぬのである。


○ 聖母の御伝達(おんとりつぎ)によりてわれらの望(ぼう)徳(とく)の増(ま)さんために「めでたし」三度唱(とな)えん。

祈 願 せ ん


にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ キリスト教へ

にほんブログ村 哲学・思想ブログ キリスト教へ

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