宇宙・生命・日本 1000年後のあなたに語りかけたい


文春による黒川検事長の賭け麻雀スクープは良かったね 黒川氏をめぐる一連の動きは日本の未来を危うくするところだった

2020年05月29日 17時16分45秒 | 生命


 これらに関しては早くから芸能人などが反対意見を発表するなど、忙しすぎたことも有り僕が特に書く事でもないと思った。「きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ(覚えられん)」がラジオで発言したのに対し、SNSで名前も顔も出さず 攻撃するのはか弱い女性に対して失敬というもの。




トランプ大統領へ!! コロナ予防法としてHCPは、今お使いのマラリア薬より有効で副作用無くすごく簡単です

2020年05月22日 15時41分36秒 | 生命

 何故 有効か? ウイルスは喉や器官支などの粘膜(弱い)に穴をあけてそこから侵入するが、コロナの場合は広範囲で、喉、舌、鼻の奥、肺(呼吸器系)に穴をあけ侵入する。HCPは呼吸器系の全域をコロナ殺菌に有効なアルコールで消毒する。コロナはエンベロープタイプでアルコールに弱い。



 何故 副作用が無く安全か? 蒸留酒(僕は焼酎を使う)を使うので、当然副作用は無いし(保証されている)、1回が3cc程度で量も少ない(3回ぐらいやる)。正しく使用すれば安全そのもの。

 何故 すごく簡単か? うがいの応用で、今すぐ、誰でも、どこでも手軽にできる。コロナに感染しそうと、不安な時は回数を増やせばよい。最初に自転車に乗った時、大変だったと思うが慣れればなんて事はない。HCPは自転車に比べ難易度は10分の1以下.




 HCPの方法は? 焼酎など蒸留酒を3cc程度口に含み、うがいし、同時に口の中にアルコール蒸気を溜める。だから、口を小さくすぼめアルコール蒸気を逃がさないようにした方が良い。肺に入れるのでピュアーな蒸留酒が望ましい。






 HCP? 広島コロナ予防法

「出口戦略」がマスコミで氾濫しているが そもそも入口戦略も無く、正確な情報が無い中で戦略は成立しない 乱用が過ぎる

2020年05月10日 17時44分53秒 | 生命



HCP(Hiroshima coronavirus prophylaxis) could drastically reduce coronal infections around the world

2020年05月08日 19時16分21秒 | 健康・病気
 Remdesivir and Avigan are drugs after  you were infected with the corona  and become ill.
Now, I believe that HCP(Hiroshima coronavirus prophylaxis) is the only realistic and effective method to prevent you from corona. 

HCP  is not 100%. However, HCP can certainly do damage to coronaviruses.

This is because HCP can deliver alcohol vapor to all surfaces of the respiratory system that are infected with the corona. The sterilizing power of alcohol vapors can help with immunity.

You can easily implement HCP anytime, anywhere.

This time I tried a proposal that is even easier to understand.

  • Take about 3 cc of distilled liquor (close to Alcohol + pure water ) in your mouth and gargle. For Americans, it's brandy, for Russians it's vodka, and for Japanese it's shochu. Gargle until the distillate evaporates and let the alcohol vapour settle in your mouth.

  • Inhale the alcohol vapors deep into your lungs. At first, there is a possibility of coughing. This is a natural reaction of the body, similar to coughing up a cigarette for the first time.HCP, unlike smoking, is not harmful.

  • If you feel a feeling of discomfort or weak pain in your throat or airway, it's alcohol in a microscopic wound made by a fungus. The virus enters through holes in the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

  • Next, close your mouth and exhaust the air in your lungs through your nose. In this exhaust, alcohol vapors disinfect the back of the nose to the exit. After this, you'll feel a clearer nose.

Proposal 2 to President Trump: H-corona prevention methods are superior to sunbathing

2020年05月04日 13時52分46秒 | 健康・病気
The previous proposal has been improved to make it easier to understand.

1.Gargle with about 3 cc of distilled liquor in your mouth and gargle until the distilled liquor is gone to sterilize your throat. At the same time, gargle and let the alcohol vapor pool in your mouth(*1).

2. Inhale the alcohol vapors that have accumulated in your mouth deep into your lungs. This will sterilize the lungs.
《 If the virus is present, there are many microscopic wounds on the skin of the respiratory system, which can be detected by a small pain. In other words, the presence of the virus can be detected with this Hiroshima Corona Prophylaxis method(*2)》

3. close your mouth and exhale the alcohol vapors in your lungs through your nose. At this time, the vapors of the alcohol pass through the nose and the nose is sterilized.

4. repeat the above method three times.

 I have been completely prevented from the flu virus for 15 years using the above method. Why does the Hiroshima Corona Prophylaxis work? That's because alcohol can kill the new coronavirus. However, I can't actually try it in Corona.

*1  I use Japanese shochu for our spirits, but shochu is about $20 for 4 liters. Brandy and the like are strong, so it's better to dilute them with water.

*2 The first line of defense against the virus is the skin. When the virus penetrates the skin, it becomes infected with the virus. Alcohol gets into this skin wound and this pain is how we know we have a viral infection. Of course, this does not mean that this virus is a new type of coronavirus.