
あなたが観ない映画 あなたが読まない本 あなたが聴かない音楽 あなたの知らないダイアローグ


2017-11-30 22:37:00 | 音楽


アメージング グレース 竹原ピストル


多部未華子 悲しくてやりきれない


いつの日か 矢沢永吉




2017-11-28 22:30:00 | 音楽
バイミー・ビスタ・シェン(Bei mir bist do schoen)という古い歌を紹介したとき、この名曲で踊る kevin and Carla に魅了されました。



Shame on you.

2017-11-27 21:18:00 | 政治
前回、慰安婦像の設置を決議したサンフランシスコ市議会のカンポス委員の”Shame on you.”動画を紹介しました。今回は、T.Katsumi氏によって、カンポス発言の全文書き起こしが出ましたので(感謝)、以下、英文対訳です。

Spvsr.Campos: "I would like to thank all the people who have waited to speak, from all sides here, of this issue. And let me begin by first addressing my friends in the Japanese American community who spoke out against this resolution, including Commissioners Ito and Akajo."


Spvsr. Campos: "I have a lot of respect for the Commissioners and for all the people who spoke. I understand the point about the importance of 'harmony'. And what I would say is that no one is, in my view, questioning the need to maintain 'harmony'. "


Spvsr. Campos: "And 'harmony', certainly among San Fransicans, not only within Asian American community, but all of us, is important. I think we have a difference of opinion in terms of how we attain that 'harmony'.


Spvsr. Campos: "I believe that 'harmony' requires acknowledgement of truth, of what happened, and I don't think that we can have 'harmony' without acknowledgement of what actually took place. And I think it is in that spirit that I am proud to support this resolution."


Spvsr. Campos: "I'm a student of history and I love reading about history. And what's interesting about the discussion around the need for reparations for Japanese Americans is that a lot of interesting arguments were made in favor of it or against that."


Spvsr. Campos: "And one of the things that kept coming as I am reading some of the articles that were written about this is that people opposed reparations for Japanese Americans and opposed the U.S. government for doing anything about that because,"

Spvsr. Campos: "...among other things, they said, "You know, it wasn't just the U.S. that did that thing." There was a Senator, pretty ultra-conservative Senator Jessie Helms, who said, 'I would only support reparations if we acknowledge all the horrible things that Japan did.'


ある上院議員,ジェシー・ヘルムズという超保守的な上院議員などは,こう語ったものでした。『日本が行った数々の非道についてわれわれ(彼ら?)が認めなければ,私は[日系アメリカ人に対する] 賠償金の支払いには賛成しない』」

Spvsr. Campos: "The reality is that human beings, as Supervisor Christensen said, 'on all works of life do bad things to one another. ' And in this case, what happened? So many horrible things were done by people on all sides."

Spvsr. Campos: "But the fact that that is the truth doesn't mean we should not acknowledge what happened here. And that's the point. That by acknowledging what happened here, we're not saying that no one else did anything wrong. To the contrary, something wrong was done."

「現実には,クリステンセン委員が述べたように『人間というものは,どのような立場にあってもお互いに悪意を持った行いをしてしまうもの』です。そして本件 については,[戦時に] 何が起きたのかというと,あらゆる陣営によって多くの酷い所業がなされてきたということです」


Spvsr. Campos: "And so to those folks, the good people, including many good people who happened to be Japanese Americans, I hope that you take this in that spirit. And as this item goes forward, which I think it will go forward and will pass on to the Board, "

Spvsr. Campos: "... that you use the opportunity of the monument of the statute as a way of coming together, because I think we have more in common than we do differences."

「ですから,たまたま [当時] 日系アメリカ人であった皆さんを含む善良なみなさんには,この件についてはそういった精神で受け止めていただきたいと私は思います。そしてこの案件が前に進む間に,そしておそらくこの案件は前に進み,監理委員会でも審議されるでしょうけれども,」


Spvsr. Campos: "I do like to address some of the members of the audience that came here, though, and spoke to deny what happened. And I say this with a great deal of love and respect, but shame on you. Shame on you. "


Spvsr. Campos: "Shame on you for denying what happened, and shame on you for the personal attacks on this woman, Grandma Lee, who had the courage to fly from another side of the world to come here to speak her truth."


Spvsr. Campos: "You know it is amazing… and by the way I hope that the Japanese government is not 'behind' some of these denials. I give credit to this government. I hope that they're not involved because if they are, it's a double offense. It adds insult to injury."


Spvsr. Campos: "Those who study history and what happened in World War II and look what happened in Europe know that when the Allies liberated a number of concentration camps in Europe in the occupied Nazi Germany, "

Spvsr. Campos: "...they made a point of having some of the German residents of these nearby towns to bring them into the concentration camps so that they could see for themselves what was happening."


Spvsr. Campos: "And some of the reasons had to do with that even then when they knew that as much as the facts were there, that hey would be people who in the future would deny that the holocaust happened. "

「そしてこのようなことを行わなければならないと,当時でさえ彼ら [連合軍側] がそう考えたのは,これだけの事実が存在しても,将来,ホロコーストが起きたことを否定する者が表れることを確信していたからだ」

Spvsr. Campos: "And sure enough, there are people, to this day, who deny that some of those atrocities happened."

「そして,きょう現在 [2015年現在] においても,そのような残虐行為 [ホロコースト] があったことを否定する人びとは実際に存在する」

Spvsr. Campos: "For those of my friends who are against this resolution, I think it's important for you to differentiate yourself and make yourself - separate yourself - from some of the comments that were made here today."


Spvsr. Campos: "I think that you can be against this memorial and this resolution without being in favor of denying history. "

「皆さんは,歴史を否定することに賛同せずとも,このメモリアル [の建立]や今回の決議に反対することができる筈です」

Spvsr. Campos: "I think that the denial of what happened is a disservice to the Japanese American community. I think it's a disservice to the people of Japan, I think it's a disservice to all of us, actually, as human beings."

「[過去に] 何が起きたかを否定するのは,ジャパニーズ・アメリカンのコミュニティに対しても,日本の人びとに対しても,そして,言ってみればわれわれすべてに対しても,人間として,害をなすものでしかありません」

Spvsr. Campos: "And to Grandma Lee, I just wanna say I'm sorry that that was said. But the thing about this country as a democracy, we have freedom of speech, and as part of freedom of speech, people are free to say hateful things. People are free to say things that are baseless"


Spvsr. Campos: "But the thing about the lies and the ignorance is that the more that those people deny what happened and the more those people go after you, the more they prove the point that we do need a monument."

「しかし彼らの嘘や無知の問題は,彼らが[過去] 何が起きたかを否定すればするほど,そして彼らがあなたのような人を攻撃すればするほど,このモニュメントが必要であることを証明してしまうことにあります」

Spvsr. Campos: "Because if people are denying it after all these years then it's important that we have a testament to what happened."

「なぜなら,これだけの年月を経ても [過去に起きたことを] 否定し続ける人びとがいるのならば,尚のこと,その証となるものの存在が重要になるからです」

Spvsr. Campos: "And so on behalf of the people that I represent, in District 9, and behalf of myself, a San Fransiscan, I wanna thank you for your courage, thank you for what you're doing, and San Francisco is forever indebted to you. And God Bless you. "


Spvsr. Campos: "And you can see that this is a just country. This is a just city. Justice is an important part of who we are as a city. And so thank you very very much."




2017-11-26 21:40:00 | ノンジャンル






2017-11-26 00:00:00 | 詩文






o pastor


Barco Negro


Fado Loucura
