Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編543. リゾートの基本概念(Basic concept of resort)

2022年05月31日 | field work









Basic concept of resort

The image is from NIKKA going to a resort in Negros. A resort is not a luxurious resort that Japanese people understand. If anything, it is a leisure facility for day trips.

Still, a lot of families are gathering and it seems to be fun. When this becomes a resort facility in Japan, it is a very lonely resort landscape with two people, or even three people including children, like a couple's holiday group or lovers at best. However, in the Philippines, all the relatives come all at once. That is wonderful.

When I stayed in Brakan, I also went to a resort in this area with the guidance of my relatives. There is only a large pool and a barbecue square, but it is still set up to be enjoyed by a large number of people. That's exotic.

The resort is not a gloomy world of suspicious couples and a family place, but it makes me think that it is the basis of the resort to forget the daily hardships and play with a lot of Fimilies.

"RE ・ SORT". In other words, you can always be there. That is the basic concept of a resort. A place where you can always go and visit is the basic concept of a resort.


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