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番外編526. 新型コロナウィルス24.2022年1月のパンデミック状況 Pandemic situation in January 2022

2022年02月09日 | analysis



Omicron strains are prevalent in January. So let's take a look at the data. Here, we will compare it with the Philippines, which is similar to Japan and has the same island country and population size. The latest information is that the Philippines will begin a 30-day visa-free trip from February 10th. Then let's look at the background with data.







1. About infection status and number of vaccinations

Figure 1 is a two-axis graph of changes in the number of infected people per day and changes in the cumulative number of vaccinations in Japan and the Philippines. Orange is the number of infected people per day. In Japan, the increasing trend is remarkable due to the Omicron strain. The same is true in the Philippines. The number of infected people per day is similar to 85,000 (Japan) and 86,000 (Philippines) on January 31st.

The blue line is the cumulative number of vaccinations so far. In Japan, the proportion of double vaccinations is 80% of the population. Three more inoculations have begun. Since the vaccine dose in the Philippines is 169.5 million, the number of double vaccinations is 84 million, and 72% of the population has completed vaccination.

The difference is that the Philippines encountered the Omicron strain when the vaccine antibody levels were high. This can be said to be lucky.

The Oxford data has a missing value of 1/2, but it is the current state.

図1. 1日単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数の推移

Figure 1. Changes in the number of infected people and the number of vaccinations on a daily basis


 Oxford Univ.Our World in Data、



Figure 2 shows the calculation of the correlation coefficient in order to see the relationship between the two indicators mentioned above. The values in the first half of January are positively correlated with +0.52 for Japan and +0.07 for the Philippines. Therefore, it supports the spread of infection. However, the value is lower in the Philippines. In other words, it confirms that he encountered the Omicron strain when it had a vaccine effect. Given that, there seems to be a timing for vaccination.

図2. 月単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数累積値の相関係数(左:日本、右:フィリピン)Figure 2. Correlation coefficient between the number of infected people on a monthly basis and the cumulative number of vaccinations (left: Japan, right: Philippines)






2. When to acquire social immunity

Looking at Figure 3, the time to complete the third vaccination in Japan (80% vaccination) is around April 2022, which is two months earlier than the previous forecast. This may be due to the government's advancement.

In the Philippines, the completion of the second vaccination will be in July 2022. The third vaccination is undecided, but there is no need for it at this time. Because, it seems that there is a timing of vaccination.


Figure 3. Predicted results of infection convergence time at present











3. Summary

WHO has warned of new pie, low and sigma stocks in the future. I don't know if the warning is correct or off. After all, the past epidemic of Spanish stocks continued for two years. Compared to this, the present age is an era in which the movement of people is much higher in the world. So it may take several years before the infection is subdued. What we can do now is to anticipate and act when the infection has subsided. It will take many years for the infection to subside, and continued vaccination will continue.

In Japan, the start of the third vaccination was more than a month too late. The cause, as I always point out, is the political structure of the liberal arts. For example, when a problem arises, we will discuss it with an expert. It's a 20th century method, not a modern method.

The Omicron strain was first discovered in South Africa in November 2021. One month later, the spread of infection to the world was remarkable. And researchers of mathematical models must have already predicted. So I should have started vaccination last year.

I received my third vaccination today. But it's already late. During the discussion, the judgment of Japanese politicians who were not aware of science was delayed.

What is needed now is a politician who can predict the future with a mathematical model, understand the meaning of numbers, formulate a program that can be immediately reflected in policy, and execute it. It doesn't exist in Japan today.

I point out that politicians who have not studied cultural matters have limitations or are unsuitable in Japan, a scientific society.

Japan is now in the 6th pandemic. Booster inoculation of Wuhan-type vaccine is already at its limit. The next vaccine development is urgent. The virus repeats mutations. That is the characteristic of this pandemic. This pandemic will not fit unless politics responds faster than the virus mutation rate.





Shooting data

Shakotan Peninsula: Nikon Df, 28-300mm / F3.5-5.6

ISO200, focal length 300mm, exposure compensation 0, f / 11, 1/125

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