"Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg."
Yes, no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg, I will stand with the egg. Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhaps time or history will decide. If there were a novelist who, for whatever reason, wrote works standing with the wall, of what value would such works be?
What is the meaning of this metaphor? In some cases, it is all too simple and clear. Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high, solid wall. The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them. This is one meaning of the metaphor.
この壁と卵のメタファーの意味は何だと思いますか? 単純にすぎるかもしれませんが、爆撃機や戦車、ロケット砲、白燐弾などは、まさしく高く堅い壁です。一方、この壁によって砕かれ焼かれる非武装の市民が卵です。
This is not all, though. It carries a deeper meaning. Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is confronting a high, solid wall. The wall has a name: It is The System. The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it takes on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others - coldly, efficiently, systematically.
I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on The System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. I fully believe it is the novelist's job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories - stories of life and death, stories of love, stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter. This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.
I have only one thing I hope to convey to you today. We are all human beings, individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, and we are all fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called The System. To all appearances, we have no hope of winning. The wall is too high, too strong--and too cold. If we have any hope of victory at all, it will have to come from our believing in the utter uniqueness and irreplaceability of our own and others’souls and from our believing in the warmth we gain by joining souls together.
以上、コタツのいいかげんな抜粋訳でした。Each of us (誰しもが・誰もが、の方がよかったかな?)が効いていますね。Two of us (チューブアス=二人だけ)という使い方もよくされます。The System とは、俺たちがつくった(過去の俺たちがつくってきた)、あらゆるシステムに当てはまりますね。政治や経済・教育だけでなく。ちゃんとした翻訳は、「村上春樹 エルサレム賞 講演翻訳」で検索すればいくらでもありますので、そちらをご覧いただくとして、誤訳と意訳しすぎは平にご容赦を。
"Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg."
Yes, no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg, I will stand with the egg. Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhaps time or history will decide. If there were a novelist who, for whatever reason, wrote works standing with the wall, of what value would such works be?
What is the meaning of this metaphor? In some cases, it is all too simple and clear. Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high, solid wall. The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them. This is one meaning of the metaphor.
この壁と卵のメタファーの意味は何だと思いますか? 単純にすぎるかもしれませんが、爆撃機や戦車、ロケット砲、白燐弾などは、まさしく高く堅い壁です。一方、この壁によって砕かれ焼かれる非武装の市民が卵です。
This is not all, though. It carries a deeper meaning. Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is confronting a high, solid wall. The wall has a name: It is The System. The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it takes on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others - coldly, efficiently, systematically.
I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on The System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. I fully believe it is the novelist's job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories - stories of life and death, stories of love, stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter. This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.
I have only one thing I hope to convey to you today. We are all human beings, individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, and we are all fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called The System. To all appearances, we have no hope of winning. The wall is too high, too strong--and too cold. If we have any hope of victory at all, it will have to come from our believing in the utter uniqueness and irreplaceability of our own and others’souls and from our believing in the warmth we gain by joining souls together.
以上、コタツのいいかげんな抜粋訳でした。Each of us (誰しもが・誰もが、の方がよかったかな?)が効いていますね。Two of us (チューブアス=二人だけ)という使い方もよくされます。The System とは、俺たちがつくった(過去の俺たちがつくってきた)、あらゆるシステムに当てはまりますね。政治や経済・教育だけでなく。ちゃんとした翻訳は、「村上春樹 エルサレム賞 講演翻訳」で検索すればいくらでもありますので、そちらをご覧いただくとして、誤訳と意訳しすぎは平にご容赦を。