


2017年02月27日 19時55分30秒 | 健康・医療
★ http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/aetr/2016/00000040/00000004/art00001

Using new non-invasive quick method to detect Borrelia Burgdorferi (B.B.) infection from specific parts of the heart in “seemingly normal” ECGs, and from the ECGs of Atrial Fibrillation (AF),

a majority of AF ECGs are found to have:

 1) Significant B.B. infection,
  2) Markedly increased ANP,
  3) Increased Cardiac Troponin I &
  4) Markedly reduced Taurine.

These 4 factors were mainly localized at infected areas of the
 SA node area, R-&L-Atria & pulmonary veins at the L-atrium

Authors: Omura, Yoshiaki; Lu, Dominic; Jones, Marilyn K.; Nihrane, Abdallah; Duvvi, Harsha; Yapor, Dario; Shimotsuura, Yasuhiro; Ohki, Motomu
Source: Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research, Number 4, 2015, pp. 297-333(37)
Publisher: Cognizant Communication Corporation

Lyme disease is found in a majority of people we tested. Once Borrelia Burgdorferi (B.B.) spirochete enters human body, it not only causes pain by infecting joints, but it also often enters the brain and the heart.

Infection of brain can be quickly detected from the pupil and infection of the heart by ECGs non-invasively. By evaluating recorded ECGs of atrial fibrillation (AF), using U.S. patented non-invasive highly sensitive electromagnetic field (EMF) resonance phenomenon between 2 identical molecules or between a molecule and its antibody, we examined 25 different AF patients' ECGs and found the majority of them suffer from various degrees of B.B. spirochete infection in SA node areas, also in the right & left atria, and pulmonary vein near and around its junction at left atrium & lesser degrees of infection at the AV node & His Bundle. When B.B. infection reaches over 224∼600ng or higher at these areas, AF often appears in the majority of all AF analyzed. In order to develop AF, the 4 abnormal factors must be present simultaneously: 1) B.B. infection must be increased to 224∼600ng or higher, 2) Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) must be markedly reduced from normal value of less than 4ng to over 100∼400ng, 3) A significant increase of Cardiac Troponin I from normal value of less than 3ng to over 12ng and 4) Taurine must also be markedly reduced from normal value of 4∼6ng to 0.25ng. These 4 changes were mainly found only at infected sites of the SA node area, both atria and between the end of the T wave & the beginning of the SA node area, which corresponds to U waves at recorded ECG. Origin of the U wave is mainly due to abnormal electrical potential of pulmonary vein at L-atrium. If all 4 factors do not occur at the infection site, no AF will develop. In seemingly normal ECGs, if using this method, one can detect invisible B.B. infection in early stages. Long before AF appears, AF can be prevented by improved treatment with Amoxicillin 500ng 3 times/day + Taurine 175mg x3 times/day, with or without EPA 180mg & DHA 120mg, to avoid serious current limitations in the use of Doxycycline 100mg 2 times/day, for 4 weeks.


● 胃潰瘍と胃癌の主原因が、ヘリコバクターピロリと分かったように、心疾患のAFも
  原因菌である、Borrelia Burgdorferi が見つかる

● 日本における感染症の診断能力が問われるということでしょう。多分診断する前に
● AF(心房細動)の治療にも、抗生物質が加わりました。胃潰瘍のヘリコバクターピロリ

● Dr.Omura にはノーベル賞を10個与えても足りないようです。
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2017年02月27日 10時34分40秒 | 健康・医療
★ http://happy-net1.com/bl/51.html






★ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9494625

Acupunct Electrother Res. 1997;22(3-4):167-74.

The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test used in the successful diagnosis & treatment (with antibiotic, anti-viral agents & oriental herbal medicine) of a patient suffering from pain & weakness of an upper extremity & Barré-Liéou syndrome appearing after whiplash injury. A case report.
Ayuzawa S1, Yano H, Enomoto T, Kobayashi H, Nose T.
Author information

A patient with a whiplash injury suffering from prolonged symptoms, including pain and weakness of the right upper extremity and the symptoms of Barré-Liéou syndrome, was diagnosed and treated with the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test as a supplement to standard medical examinations. Radiological findings showed spondylotic canal stenosis with osteophytes and disc protrusions. The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test indicated a strong abnormal response around the right side of his neck and right shoulder, including the area of the vertebral artery and at acupuncture point GB 21, where positive resonant responses to

Cytomegalovirus and Streptococcus faecalis were detected.

Antibiotic and anti-viral agents, as well as Ku-Oketsu-Zai, a type of Oriental herbal medicine for overcoming blood stagnation or stasis, were administered according to the drug compatibility test using the Bi-Digital O-ring Test and the following clinical results were obtained. Infection at the site of the vertebral artery and the peri-arterial sympathetic nerve plexus was considered as a cause of the prolongation of the symptoms including Barré-Liéou syndrome, in this case. In addition we especially noted, in this clinical case, that the patient's impaired grasping force dramatically improved from 8 kg to 52 kg in a very short periods of time when the patient held suitable medicine selected with the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test drug compatibility test.
We assume that the drug action was transferred electromagnetically, by which the pathological electromagnetic oscillations caused by trauma and following infections were scavenged. This effect might lead to an improvement in the coordination of the neuromuscular system.
PMID: 9494625


● 上記の症例報告は、サイトメガロウイルスとストレプトコッカス・フェカーリス

● エンテロコッカス・フェカーリスは乳酸菌の一種であり、健康に良いと色々と
● 日和見感染とは、普段は感染はしないが、患者が弱った時などに感染する

● 感染症の概念と、難治性の痛みと疾患や自律神経失調症などと言われている

● 最近の抗生物質に効かない細菌の登場は、製薬会社の責任も追及する必要が

● 最近の研究では、ミクロ世界では細菌同士は、頻繁に遺伝子をやり取りしている

● 乳酸菌だからということで、油断は禁物ということです。貴方が弱れば、

● だから生きた乳酸菌は危険なのです。死んだ乳酸菌の菌体が、人間の免疫システムを
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