Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

About the RoboCupJunior Rescue League その2

2020-02-04 | Rescue Rules 2020

前の記事はこちら About the RoboCupJunior Rescue League



Maze misidentification
There is a rule about misidentification that says "If a robot identifies a victim through methods outlined in 4.5.1, but is outside the 15 cm radius of any victim, 5 points will be deducted." (4.5.14)
I was wondering what happens if
a)A robot identifies a victim when there is no victims around?
b)A robot identifies a different type of victim from the one it should?


Rescue Maze の誤発見についての質問ですね。




a)If the robot makes an appeal that identifies the victim even though there are no victims, it is a false appeal. So - 5 points.
b)For example, a robot has identified 'H'. But from the human eye, it is 'U'. Still, the robot has found the victim.






I just had the same question; and just want to be clear, there is no lack of progress happens in case of victim misidentifications and the false appeal? So, the penalty of these situations is just deducting 5 points?

質問:被災者の誤発見をしてしまった場合は競技進行停止になりますか? それとも5点の減点だけですか?

There is No LoP.
Only misindentication -5 points.




What to do when a victim leaves the evacuation zone?
what should the referees do when a victim leaves the field (e.g. the bot touched/threw it so it left the field)?
According to 3.6.7 "[...]all victims (including ones that have rolled) will remain in their current position. [...]". Does that also apply for the ones that left the field or should they be placed randomly?

今度はRescue Line の質問です。

質問:被災者(ボール)が、救助区域を出てしまった場合はどうなりますか? ルール3.6.7では被災者はそのままにすると書かれています。


When a lack of progress has been called, victims will remain where they are unless the robot is in contact with it.
To answer your question, if a victim has left the evacuation zone/field AND if the robot is not in contact with the victims, it will remain where they are. If the robot is in contact (e.g.: carrying them), the victims will be placed back randomly.






続きの記事はこちら About the RoboCupJunior Rescue League その3

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