Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

About the RoboCupJunior Rescue League その4

2020-02-06 | Rescue Rules 2020

前の記事はこちら About the RoboCupJunior Rescue League その3




Question about rule 2.2.8
I have a question about one new rule specific the 2.2.8, this rule say "Robots must be equipped with a switch, clearly visible to the referee, of any kind for restarting the robot when a lack of progress occurs''
In this rule say switch if I use lego ev3 the brick only have buttons therefore it does not have a switch.
My question is that if it is possible to use said brick, since if it is used it does not comply with said rule
I believe that this is a way to improve a team and look for new alternatives.


質問:ルール2.2.8に関して質問があります。このルールには、「競技進行停止の時にロボットを再起動するためのあらゆる種類のスイッチを、レフェリーに明確に表示する必要があります」と書かれています。LEGO EV3にはボタンしかありません。(スイッチはありません)私の質問は、EV3を使用する場合に、スイッチが無いことがルールに抵触しませんか?



There are some reasons for implementation and clarifications for this particular rule I want to point out.

1) As it is pointed out, the main reason for this is to resolve the pre-mapping issue once in for all. Yes, of course if there is a team that is actively trying to cheat, this is not really solution, but there are so many teams each year that accidentally skip through parts of the rule, especially with little understanding on using the same program every time of the restart.
2) This is where we get this rule and also the 2.2.7 about the handle. So when teams do call a LOP, it is super clear to the teams and also for the referees that there is defiantly one switch that is being used and that is the only one which is being used - hopefully preventing any misunderstanding among the teams.
3) So at the end of the day, if you have a single switch that is super obvious (the best is to have something like a toggle switch/tact switch kind of thing on the top of the robot/handle), there is no issue. It doesn't really matter if you want to call this buttons of switches, it was more of a phrase to represent all kind of binary control method.
4) Allowing an ev3 brick is slightly problematic to make a general statement because then this doesn't solve the issue of having a clear binary option, but rather a cluster of switches (or buttons, whichever you wish to call). Having said that, it is also true that especially for novices, the ev3(or NXT/RCX) users will suffer from sensor port restrictions, so if you/your team is not the level to implement more sensors or add switches to your controller, then we can probably allow this, given that the EV3 screen/buttons are very clear to the judge.





う~ん Google 先生の助けを得てもなんだかスッキリしないのですが・・・使えるっぽいですね。




M&Yのロボットは、競技進行停止をするときは、NXTの灰色ボタンを押してプログラムを停止します。(モーターも停止します。)そして、オレンジ色のボタンで再スタートします。この操作はOKなのか? 良く分かりませんねぇ。



Rescue line binary switch on ev3
I use a lego ev3 connected together with arduino.
the main program resides on ev3, so i start the software on ev3 and he connects with Arduino.
on ev3 I can't put a button to start the software for the few inputs that have.
Is it ok if I use ev3 with only one software loaded? This way I can only start that without being able to do anything.

質問:私は、arduinoと接続されたlego ev3を使用します。
ev3に1つのソフトウェアのみをロードして使用すれば良いでしょうか? この方法であれば、何もせずに開始することができます。




It would be wonderful from the organisational side if you could have the switch ready. The exception is given out to complete novices for the moment.

You can for example, come to the competition area with the main program running (so already connected to the Arduino), and then have a function in the Arduino sketch to see if a button (possibly connected to one of the interrupt pins) is triggered or not to start/exit the main loop (or equivalent).

スイッチが設置できれるとしたら運営側としては喜ばしいことです。 例外は、今のところ初心者のためにあるものです。


う~ん 回答も難しいですが・・・おそらく、Arduino側に再起動のためのスイッチを増設して、スイッチの操作状態をArduinoが検知をした信号をEV3が判断すれば、EV3側のプログラムをコントロールできますよ。ということでしょう。






How is reset understoof?
Following the rules , robots must have reset button. But what is reset? If we run the robot by raspberry we can't reset it

質問:ルールでは、ロボットにはリセットボタンが必要です。 しかし、リセットとはどのようなことでしょうか? ラズベリーでロボットを構成した場合、リセットすることはできません。

Raspberry Pi にはリセットが無いということ!?


Reset here is a general term used to describe some way to take the robot off the ground (and in most robots that means stopping the motors) and then bringing it back to the previous checkpoint to start the robot. This may involve restarting the script and starting the script again, shutting down the whole system and powering it back on again, or a function in your program which stops the robot while the reset button is triggered.

ここでリセットとは、ロボットを床に置いて(普通はロボットのモーターを停止することを意味する)、ロボットを前のチェックポイントに戻してロボットを再スタートすることの一般的な用語です。 これには、電源のOFF/ON、プログラムの再起動、またはリセットボタンを押すこと等を実施したことでロボットを停止するプログラムの機能が含まれます。


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幻の・・・OnStage の2020年ルール!?

2020-02-06 | うんちく・小ネタ

OnStage の2020年ルールが出ないなぁ・・・と思っていたら・・・




・・・OnState というのは OnStage の誤字だと思います!(笑)



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