Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

RCJ Rescue Rules 2025 エンジニアリングジャーナルの提出不要について

2024-12-22 | Rescue Rules 2025
先日の RCJ Rescue Rules 2025 の変更内容が Forum に掲載された件で・・・いくつかの意見が投稿されています。(私も、いくつか投稿しました)


A.2) Elimination of Engineering Journal and introducing Presentation Video
The requirement to submit an Engineering Journal has been removed. Instead, each team is required to create and submit a short video presentation showcasing their work. These videos will be presented during the competition and should summarize the key aspects of the team’s project, design process, and innovations. The rubrics for video and TDP will be updated and will continue to have a weight in the team’s final score.
A.2) エンジニアリングジャーナルの廃止とプレゼンテーションビデオの導入


一つ目が SanjaTronic 氏の投稿
Regarding the point “(A2) - Elimination of Engineering Journal and Introducing Presentation Video,” we discussed this as a team and concluded that the removal of the Engineering Journal could be detrimental in future seasons.
「(A2)- エンジニアリングジャーナルの廃止とプレゼンテーションビデオの導入」に関して、私たちはチームとしてこの点を議論し、将来的なシーズンにおいてエンジニアリングジャーナルの廃止が悪影響を及ぼす可能性があると結論しました。 
As a team dedicated to documenting our work, we believe the Engineering Journal greatly facilitates the understanding and connection of different areas and knowledge related to the competition. A well-maintained journal not only ensures organized planning but also supports a logical workflow. Additionally, it helps the evaluation committee identify teams that have not complied with regulations, upholding the principle that robots must be designed and programmed exclusively by team members.
Therefore, we believe the Engineering Journal should not be eliminated but rather used as a source of knowledge and sharing among teams, fostering fair play and camaraderie, but most importantly, promoting learning.

この人の「自分のチームでは作業記録を大切にしている」というのは素晴らしいと思います。ただ、「エンジニアリングジャーナルの廃止が・・・」というのが勘違いしているように思います。 Committee は「エンジニアリングジャーナルを作成しなくて良い。」と言っている訳では無く「エンジニアリングジャーナルを提出しなくて良い。(評価しない)」といっているだけです。

二つ目は moritz_biobrause 氏

I respectfully disagree with @SanjaTronic perspective.
Last year, our experience showed that the Engineering Journal actually slowed down our development process. I believe that each team has its own unique approach to innovation and problem-solving. In our case, a rapid-iteration methodology allowed us to quickly adapt and refine our solutions, which was a key factor in our success. The requirement to maintain the Engineering Journal was a significant obstacle in this process, as it demanded time that could have been better spent testing and improving our designs.
While I agree that documentation can help organize planning and maintain a logical workflow, I think it’s important to recognize that not all teams benefit from the same methods. For us, the Journal felt restrictive rather than supportive. I do see the value that an Engineering Journal can provide for some teams, however, I think it should remain optional for teams that find it helpful, rather than a requirement for everyone.

明確には書かれていませんが「作業記録なんて必要ない」と言うことでしょうか?(さすがにそこまでの意見では無い⁉)  でも最後の方に、「作業記録が必要と思えるチームだけが作業記録を作れば良い」みたいなことが書かれているので、作業記録はマストではない、という考えなのでしょう。

で・・・これらの意見に対して Rescue Committee の CsabaAbanJr 氏が回答以下のようにしています。

We still consider the creation of the Engineering Journal valuable; however, each team prepares, works, and develops differently, especially in an international setting. This makes it really challenging to evaluate uniformly and fairly without placing a burden on teams to strictly adhere to the rubric. If any criteria are not fully met, teams have two options: either they can supplement it afterward ending in a 90+ page documents that is hard to evaluate objectively, or they will receive fewer points. That is why we decided to change this to a video deliverable, which provides more flexibility to the teams and where creativity is encouraged. The goal of this video is to complement the TDP document to create a better understanding of the competitor’s understanding and development.
We still encourage teams to develop their own engineering journal without the pressure of being evaluated in their final scores.

昨日は、ここまでできたから、今日は続きをやるぞ! 昨日は、こんな失敗があったから、その失敗を繰り返さないようにすすめよう・・・
人間、誰しも間違いがあり、その間違いを乗り越えて進むことで成長するのですが・・・その記録が無いということは、瞬間瞬間が行き当たりばったりということ!? いや、僕は記憶力が良いので、記録する必要がないんだ! というのであれば、記録は必要無いのかもしれませんが・・・

・でも、作業記録を提出させて、作業記録を評価して点数化することはやめる。 だって評価できないんだもん。(評価が難しい)
(作業記録なんて、評価できないよね。 そして、そもそもドキュメントの評価を、短時間に、公正公平にできるのか? が疑問・・・)
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