Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

Helveticrobot(Switzerland) as Rescue-B team.

2010-07-16 | RoboCup2010

They are Swiss team "Helveticrobot". Team members are four boys. They are cool !!

A robot is the own work machine of the feeling of handicraft full loading.

The robot keeps a fixed distance with the wall with range-finding sensors such as PSD and advances.

The robot uses a pipe. They arrange wiring by maintaining wiring in the pipe. They finish it in a neat body.

The robot drives it in two rear wheel axes, and the front wheel becomes the Omni wheel. The robot discovers a victim with a motion sensor. It is written that they use "Tamiya Twin Motor Gear-box" for their presentation. Their robot gave high score smoothly from movement, the first day. And they overwhelm other teams. The robot went up the ramp without a problem.

They are clear with 830 points at a point in time when I ended the second day.  (The second place is 570 points of Hong Kong.)

I thought,that Switzerland wins the championship.

I am interested very much that results of their the third day .

I cannot understand me. A reason with the first place without Switzerland.

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