Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編586. フィリピンの冷蔵庫の中 in the fridge in the philippines

2023年03月27日 | field work

   手前のMANG TOMASは万能ソース。ポークレバーペーストで肉料理の味を引き立たせる。
 手前のcheez whisはクラフトチーズだ。パンにつけてハムを挟んでトーストにする。日本の1,200円は暴利も良いところだ。NIKKAKの家にオーブントースターを買ってあげなきゃ。

 NIKKA went to the market in Malolos to procure ingredients. She sent me a picture of the inside of the refrigerator. Meat and fish cannot be stored well, so when cooking, we procure them locally. It had an image of a condiment on it. Will the seasoning be the first step to get closer to the taste of the Philippines?
The four bottles on the right are written as Silver Swan. When I looked it up, it was soy sauce made from soybeans. Soy sauce is an essential part of Filipino cuisine. The Amazon price of 1,000 yen is a big profit.
The big bottle in the background is probably vinegar. It is also a necessary seasoning.
MANG TOMAS in front is a versatile sauce. Pork liver paste brings out the flavor of meat dishes.
"UFC will be tomato ketchup." The Japanese website said that banana ketchup is preferred over tomatoes. That is different!.
The cheese whis in the foreground is craft cheese. Put it on the bread and put the ham in between and toast it. Japan's 1,200 yen is also a good place to profit. I have to buy a toaster oven for NIKKAK's house.
"GATORADE" is probably a soft drink.
I noticed two things.
 First, the Japanese evaluation does not include "most popular in the Philippines". Even with the wholesaler's margin and transportation costs, the price is still very high. Second, I was looking at the website during Amazon's bargain sale. Distribution in Japan is monopolized by major companies. Therefore, the principle of free competition does not exist.


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