Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

RoboCupJunior Rescue Rules 2020

2019-09-18 | Rescue Rules 2020

いつのまにか、Junior Rescue の2020年ルール(ドラフト版)が公開されていました。

同じ家に、国際TC chair が住んでいるのですが・・・そういう情報は教えてくれないので(苦笑)・・・気が付きませんでした。


いや~ はっきり言って、これは分からないですよ。(更新されたことが分からないの意)


だって、2019 RULES って書いてあるリンクの先に 2020年ルール(ドラフト版)があるんだもん(笑)


とりあえず、General Rules も変更されている(っぽい)ので、そちらを見てみます。









About の Ageに以下の記載がありますが・・・もう、今となっては古いですよね

RCJ is targeted for primary and secondary school students. There is no fixed minimum age (except for RoboCupJunior 2018, which has the lower age limit of 12-year-old), but primary students are expected to be able to read (and hence write programs for their robots) on their own, without significant help from adult mentors. Students over age 19 are not allowed on RCJ teams. The division between the primary and secondary age categories is 14 years old:

Teams with all student members age 14 and under are considered primary.
Teams where any student member over age 14 must be secondary.
From RCJ 2018 there will be no division between the primary and secondary age categories:

Teams with all student members age 12 to 19-year-old are considered Junior.
Age is counted as of July 1 for the international RCJ event each year.



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