Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

RoboCupJunior Rescue Line Community Forum 続き

2019-12-12 | Rescue Rules 2020

前の記事はこちら RoboCupJunior Rescue Line Community Forum


Multiplier calculation when LoPs occurred (Rule 2020)

I'm understanding when a rescue kit and 2 victims are rescued in evacuation level 2, the multiplier will caluculated as :
Rescue kit --> Live --> Dead
x1.4 * x1.4 * x1.4 = x2.744
However, I'm wondering how to calculate the multiplier when LoPs (decrease 0.05 from multiplier) occurred between rescuing the each victims or rescue kit.
When the below situation, how can I calculate the multiplier?
Reduce the multiplier from "sub total"? or from "each multiplier"?
[Evacuation level 2]
Rescue kit --> LoP -> Live --> LoP --> Dead


例えば レスキューキットの配置成功 生きた被災者の救出成功 死んだ被災者の移送成功 となると、1.4×1.4×1.4で ×2.744倍になりますね。


例えば レスキューキットの配置成功 競技進行停止 生きた被災者の救出成功 競技進行停止 死んだ被災者の移送成功 となった場合



For every lack of progress that happens, 0.05 will be subtracted from every multiplier.
This means that for the case of Rescue kit -> LoP -> Live -> LoP -> Dead, the team will receive (1.4 - 2*0.05) * (1.4 - 2*0.05) * (1.4 - 2*0.05) = 2.197 as their multiplier.
The idea is that the multiplier can be adjusted right at the end of the game so it is simpler for the judges to keep track.


で (1.4-2×0.05)×(1.4-2×0.05)×(1.4-2×0.05)となり ×2.197倍となります。



Question about rule 2.2.8

I have a question about one new rule specific the 2.2.8, this rule say "Robots must be equipped with a switch, clearly visible to the referee, of any kind for restarting the robot when a lack of progress occurs''
In this rule say switch if I use lego ev3 the brick only have buttons therefore it does not have a switch.
My question is that if it is possible to use said brick, since if it is used it does not comply with said rule
I believe that this is a way to improve a team and look for new alternatives.

ルールに2.8には、「競技進行停止の時に再スタートするために操作するスイッチを明確にしなさい。」がありますが、LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 にはスイッチは無くボタンしかありません。ルールに従うと、EV3のロボットは参加できないのでしょうか?





There are some reasons for implementation and clarifications for this particular rule I want to point out.

1) As it is pointed out, the main reason for this is to resolve the pre-mapping issue once in for all. Yes, of course if there is a team that is actively trying to cheat, this is not really solution, but there are so many teams each year that accidentally skip through parts of the rule, especially with little understanding on using the same program every time of the restart.
2) This is where we get this rule and also the 2.2.7 about the handle. So when teams do call a LOP, it is super clear to the teams and also for the referees that there is defiantly one switch that is being used and that is the only one which is being used - hopefully preventing any misunderstanding among the teams.
3) So at the end of the day, if you have a single switch that is super obvious (the best is to have something like a toggle switch/tact switch kind of thing on the top of the robot/handle), there is no issue. It doesn't really matter if you want to call this buttons of switches, it was more of a phrase to represent all kind of binary control method.
4) Allowing an ev3 brick is slightly problematic to make a general statement because then this doesn't solve the issue of having a clear binary option, but rather a cluster of switches (or buttons, whichever you wish to call). Having said that, it is also true that especially for novices, the ev3(or NXT/RCX) users will suffer from sensor port restrictions, so if you/your team is not the level to implement more sensors or add switches to your controller, then we can probably allow this, given that the EV3 screen/buttons are very clear to the judge.


3の「at the end of the day」の意味が分かりません。(何故に一日の終わり?)









Color sensor type

Hello ROBOCUP JUNIOR community! I have question about the color sensor you use to detect green color in cross-sections in Junior Line Following. What kind of sensor you use to detect color? I have been using TCS3200 color sensor. Is there any suggestions which sensor should I use?

カラーセンサーとして、TCS3200を使用しても良いか? という質問です。




Rescue Line structure

We are updating our old line field with only one ramp Up typ the recuse zone. But with the new field's there's are more ramps and orange structures/frames there the tiles lays on. Any blueprints on this orange parts or sketches ?

Rescue Line のフィールドをリニューアルしています。傾斜路などに使うオレンジ色の構造物の設計図をください。という要望ですね。



The new seesaws, any blueprints on that? Or do I need to make new topic.


There are not blueprints on the seesaws at the moment unfortunately. The dimensions and tolerances (and images) on the rules are the only official guidelines I am afraid.



The appearance of the evacuation point level one

I wanted to know what looks like the evacuation point level one? if you guys have pics ,could you share with me ?





Bring two computers to calibrate

My team and I are wondering if we can bring two computers to calibrate the robot in one round, could you please answer us?


That should be fine if you are performing anything that falls under "calibration". But for the sake of clarity, please explain the purpose of how the computers are used during this time to the judges.



What should I do on the lack of an engineering journal?

Is the engineering journal mandatory?
If it is can I make an aggregate of all the things that I made for the robot (Schematics,3D models...)?

エンジニアリングジャーナルは必要ですか? って質問です。


"2.4.8 All teams must submit their engineering journal prior to the competition. ", so yes it is mandatory.

If you haven't done so, yes do include those items. If you are familiar with the major leagues, it is somewhat like a TDP. So yes, things like schematics, 3D models, drawings, list of components, would be nice.

But in addition, please make an effort to include things like major problems faced and the corresponding solutions. And if possible share it to the forum/online! It's a bit wasted if you spend time on documentation but it doesn't get used - this applies to all teams of course.








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