「エスカルゴ」。オーブンで焼くだけだが、美味! 美味!

ミセスマスダは久し振りのオレンジダック作りだったが楽しみながら調理することが出来たそうだ。美味! 美味!

これまた、美味! 美味!

With the ingredients which a son sent in "Mother's Day", we took the dinner for one week delay.
"An escargot." We only bake them with an oven, but Delicious! Delicious!
"An escargot." We only bake them with an oven, but Delicious! Delicious!
The Breast of the duck from France was cooked to "the orange duck" which we loved it.
Mrs. Masuda cooked orange duck dishes with being a pleasure. Delicious ! Delicious!
Mrs. Masuda cooked orange duck dishes with being a pleasure. Delicious ! Delicious!
The lovely "eclair" on dessert. A pistachio, a lemon, franc Boise and chocolate.
Four tastes of are also Delicious! Delicious!