コロナ 禍を 風刺 したとも言われる、おばあさんがくしゃみをしている作品。
一見するとフェルメールの《Girl with a Pearl Earring 真珠の耳飾りの少女》に見える、耳飾りが黄色い警報器で代用された《 Girl with a Pierced Eardrum 鼓膜の破れた少女》。2014年に
The stencil art of "grandmother sneezes" satirized a corona evil.
(upper pic) That was found on the wall of the house assumed the birthplace
of Banksy in British Bristol on last December. The picture was titled "Aachoo!! ".
It was confirmed to be a work of Banksy and the home owner canceled the sale
It was confirmed to be a work of Banksy and the home owner canceled the sale
of the house afterwards.
(lower pic) It is seen in "Girl with Pearl Earring" of Vermeer when we have a look.
An earring was substituted in a yellow alarm," Girl with Pierced Eardrum".
It was painted by Banksy in 2014 at Bristol, but it was found that a medical mask
An earring was substituted in a yellow alarm," Girl with Pierced Eardrum".
It was painted by Banksy in 2014 at Bristol, but it was found that a medical mask
was added on April 22, 2020 by someone.