


2016年05月01日 16時28分39秒 | 健康・医療
★ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18804846/

Sci Total Environ. 2009 Jan 15;407(3):1218-23. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.08.012. Epub 2008 Sep 19.

Extremely low frequency-magnetic fields (ELF-EMF) occupational exposure and natural killer activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes.

Gobba F1, Bargellini A, Scaringi M, Bravo G, Borella P.

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Extremely Low Frequency-Magnetic Fields (ELF-MF) are possible carcinogens to humans and some data suggest that they can act as promoters or progressors. Since NK cells play a major role in the control of cancer development, an adverse effect on ELF-MF on NK function has been hypothesized. We examined NK activity in 52 workers exposed to different levels of ELF-MF in various activities. Individual exposure was monitored during 3 complete work-shifts using personal dosimeters. Environmental exposure was also monitored. ELF-MF levels in the workers were expressed as Time-Weighted Average (TWA) values. NK activity was measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). In the whole group the median occupational TWA was 0.21 microT. According to the TWA levels, workers were classified as low exposed (26 subjects, TWA < or =0.2 microT) and higher exposed workers (26 subjects; TWA >0.2 microT). In higher exposed workers, we observed a trend to reduce NK activity compared to low exposed, but the difference was not significant. Then we selected a subgroup of highest exposed workers (12 subjects; TWA >1 microT); no difference was observed between low and highest exposed subjects in the main personal variables. Considering both E:T ratios from 12:1 to 50:1 and Lytic Units, a significant reduction in NK activity was observed in the highest exposed workers compared to the low exposed. Multivariate analysis showed a significant negative correlation between exposure and LU, while no correlation was evidenced with other personal characteristics. ELF-MF are considered possible carcinogens, and existing data suggest that they can act as promoters. Due to the role of NK activity in host defence against cancer, the results obtained in this study in workers exposed to ELF-MF levels exceeding 1 microT are in agreement with this hypothesis, and support the need for further investigation in this field.

● 一言要約。仕事で極低周波磁界(1μT=10mG )に晒されている人のナチュラルキラー細胞


★ http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijc.21374/abstract


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Childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan: A case-control study of childhood leukemia and residential power-frequency magnetic fields in Japan


Residential power-frequency magnetic fields (MFs) were labeled as a possible human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer panel. In response to great public concern, the World Health Organization urged that further epidemiologic studies be conducted in high-exposure areas such as Japan. We conducted a population-based case-control study, which covered areas inhabited by 54% of Japanese children. We analyzed 312 case children (0–15 years old) newly diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) in 1999–2001 (2.3 years) and 603 controls matched for gender, age and residential area. Weekly mean MF level was determined for the child's bedroom. MF measurements in each set of a case and controls were carried out as closely in time as possible to control for seasonal variation. We evaluated the association using conditional logistic regression models. The odds ratios for children whose bedrooms had MF levels of 0.4 μT or higher compared with the reference category (MF levels below 0.1 μT) was 2.6 (95% CI = 0.76–8.6) for AML + ALL and 4.7 (1.15–19.0) for ALL only. Controlling for some possible confounding factors did not alter the results appreciably. Even an analysis in which selection bias was maximized did not fully explain the association. Most of the leukemia cases in the highest exposure category had MF levels far above 0.4 μT. Our results provided additional evidence that high MF exposure was associated with a higher risk of childhood leukemia, particularly of ALL. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

● 一言要約。0.4μT=4mGの磁場に晒されている子供の、白血病のリスクは高い。




ナチュラルキラー細胞(ナチュラルキラーさいぼう、NK細胞)は、自然免疫の主要因子として働く細胞傷害性リンパ球の1種であり、特に腫瘍細胞やウイルス感染細胞の拒絶に重要である。細胞を殺すのにT細胞とは異なり事前に感作させておく必要がないということから、生まれつき(natural)の細胞傷害性細胞(killer cell)という意味で名付けられた。形態的特徴から大形顆粒リンパ球と呼ばれることもある。












● 生まれつきの細胞障害性の機能を持つナチュラルキラー細胞は、腫瘍とウイルス感染に


◆ 上記の3つの要約は、免疫が癌やウイルスの感染予防に非常に重要であることを
◆ つまり、健康で長生きする事は、NK細胞の活性にかかっているのです。人間社会に

◆ そのNK細胞を、電磁波は弱体化させるのです。0.4μT=4mGの生活環境とは、高圧配電線が

◆ ましてや、二階三階に住む人(道路沿い)は、高圧配電のすぐそばで生活する、または寝る事に

◆ 何も何十万ボルトの高圧送電線の周囲でなくても、6600ボルトの何処にでもある

◆ やはり、まずは電磁波検出器で、自宅の環境を調べる事が第一でしょう。

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