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Every year, RoboCupJunior attracts participating teams from around the world. There are over 35 regions with active RoboCupJunior activities. Those participating regions have established a process to select teams representing their regions at the annual RoboCupJunior competition held in early summer. To find out more about the regions and their contact, visit the RoboCupJunior community website:
In 2015, there were 161 teams and 677 students participated in RoboCupJunior 2015, Hefei, China. The team and students participation break down by league/sub-league can be found:
In 2014, there were 192 teams and 780 students participated in RoboCupJunior 2014, João Pessoa, Brazil. The team and students participation break down by league/sub-league can be found:
In 2013, there were 206 teams and 907 students participated in RoboCupJunior 2013, Eindhoven, the Neterlands. The team and students participation break down by league/sub-league can be found:
In 2012, there were 209 teams and 796 students participated in RoboCupJunior 2012, Mexico City, Mexico. The team and students participation break down by league/sub-league can be found:
In 2011, there were 251 teams and 955 students participated in RoboCupJunior 2011, Istanbul. The team and students participation break down by league/sub-league can be found: