Re: The history of "M&Y"

Team "M&Y" and "花鳥風月"
the soliloquy of the father

RoboCupJunior General Rules

2017-02-02 | RoboCup2017

つい、先日に・・・RoboCupJunior のHPの General Rules が中途半端に更新されていることを書きました。

RoboCupJunior General Rules




RoboCupJunior General Rules

Team Size

Since RoboCupJunior embraces teamwork and collaboration among team members, a team should have more than one member to form a RoboCupJunior team to participate in the International event.

A team member(s) and/or robot(s) cannot be shared between teams.

Maximum team size is 5 members for ALL Junior leagues for RoboCupJunior Nagoya, 2017.

Team Member

Minimum age is 11 RoboCupJunior Nagoya, 2017. This means: all members of a primary team have to be between 11 to 14 year old; any member of a secondary team has to be between 15 to 19 year old. Age as on 1st July in the year of the competition.

The plan is to bring the minimum age to the international events to 14 year-old by 2019.
2017 (Japan) - 11 year-old
2018 (TBA) - TBA
2019 (Australia) - 14 year-old

This rule applies to the international events ONLY.

Every team member need to carry out a technical role for the team (robot design and construction, sensors and actuators, programming, etc.), this should be identified at the registration. The actual categories will be announced before the registration opens. In addition, each member is expected to explain his/her technical role and should be able to answer any questions at the technical judging.

Robot Communication

 Robots are not allowed to use any kind of communication during game play unless the communication between two robots is via bluetooth class 2 or class 3 (range shorter than 20 meters) or via ZigBee. Teams are responsible for their communication. The availability of frequencies cannot be guaranteed.





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2017-02-02 | ブログ











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