
Nigauri Diary in Penghoo Islands 澎湖島のニガウリを育て、その成長過程を記録します。

ドイツからメール 武漢肺炎、東京五輪中止について

2020年03月23日 15時37分25秒 | hobby





Dear 〇〇,

yes, we are all in good health, and we too live as usual, - with some exceptions.
Thank you so very much for your mail!
It's very good that old friends keep the connection after so much time, I can see this in these difficult days.

The virus spreads very quick - but in Germany the situation is still much better than in Italy and Spain.
In my region ("county" Lippeabout 60 x 60 km) there are actually 103 persons ill and 1 person died.

So we look at beginning spring from inside the houses.
Fortunately we have a little garden around our house, so that we can enjoy sun and bird's songs.

The Olympic Games won't become the great success as in 1964, I fear. It must be very sad for your country.
I remember the games in 1964 with great pleasure as they were the beginning of a long mail-friendship with you!

Your old friend,