As of the end of February, the epidemic of Omicron strains had peaked. The reason is that the vaccination rate has accelerated. So let's take a look at the data. Here, we compare Japan with the Philippines, which has the same island country and population size.
1. About infection status and number of vaccinations
Figure 1 is a two-axis graph of changes in the number of infected people per day and changes in the cumulative number of vaccinations in Japan and the Philippines. Orange is the number of infected people per day. The blue color indicates the cumulative number of vaccinations.
Currently, the number of infected people per day is decreasing in both countries. On the other hand, the number of vaccinations is increasing. Judging from the two indicators, it seems that the epidemic of Omicron strains has passed its peak.
Oxford data has about 1/2 missing values. Still, it reflects the overall trend.

図1. 1日単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数の推移
Figure 1. Changes in the number of infected people and the number of vaccinations on a daily basis
Oxford Univ.Our World in Data、https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
Figure 2 shows the calculation of the correlation coefficient in order to see the relationship between the two indicators mentioned above. The value in the first half of February is +0.02 in Japan and -0.11 in the second half, which is a negative correlation. From this, the infection tends to end.
The Philippines has a relatively high negative correlation of -0.40. Therefore, the spread of infection is coming to an end.
Both countries have similar tendencies. It tends towards the end of infection.

図2. 月単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数累積値の相関係数(左:日本、右:フィリピン)Figure 2. Correlation coefficient between the number of infected people on a monthly basis and the cumulative number of vaccinations (left: Japan, right: Philippines)
2. When to acquire social immunity
Looking at Figure 3, the time to complete the third vaccination in Japan (80% vaccination) is around April 2022, which is two months earlier than the previous forecast. This may be due to the government's advancement.
In the Philippines, the completion of the second vaccination will be in July 2022. The third vaccination is undecided, but there is no need for it at this time. Because, it seems that there is a timing of vaccination.It's the same as last month's trend.

Figure 3. Predicted results of infection convergence time at present
3. Summary
In both countries, the pandemic is heading towards the exit. Current data show that in both countries.
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