Creator's Blog,record of the Designer's thinking


番外編525. 新型コロナウィルスNO23.(New coronavirus NO23.)

2022年01月10日 | analysis




Omicron strains are in fashion. Let's compare it with the Philippines, a country similar to Japan. The Philippines has a population of 110 million, and is an island country in Asia. The vaccination start time is similar to that of February in Japan and March in the Philippines, and there are many similarities such as the number of infected people and the peak time of the number of infected people.







1. About the relationship between the infection situation in Japan and the number of vaccinations

Figure 1 is a two-axis graph of changes in the number of infected people per day and changes in the cumulative number of vaccinations in Japan and the Philippines. The orange color shows the history of the number of infected people per day. In Japan, a slight increase has been seen since the latest January. It is even more pronounced in the Philippines. There are signs of an Omicron strain epidemic.

The blue line is the cumulative number of vaccinations so far. In Japan, the ratio of double vaccinations to the total population according to NHK totals exceeds 80%, and three more vaccinations have begun. The number of inoculations in the Philippines is half that in Japan. In recent years, the inoculation rate has become similar to that in Japan.

Oxford's December data has a missing value of about 1/2, but both countries still catch signs of an epidemic of Omicron strains.

図1. 1日単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数の推移

Figure 1. Changes in the number of infected people and the number of vaccinations on a daily basis


 Oxford Univ.Our World in Data、




Figure 2 shows the calculation of the correlation coefficient in order to see the relationship between the two indicators mentioned above. The values ​​in the first half of January have a remarkable positive correlation with 0.90 in Japan and 0.50 in the Philippines, supporting the above-mentioned spread of infection. In the figure, the correlation coefficient is calculated semi-monthly for Japan and monthly for the Philippines. Both tendencies of infection with Omicron strains are similar.

図2. 月単位の感染者数とワクチン接種回数累積値の相関係数(左:日本、右:フィリピン)Figure 2. Correlation coefficient between the number of infected people on a monthly basis and the cumulative number of vaccinations (left: Japan, right: Philippines)





2. When to acquire social immunity

Looking at Fig. 3, the second completion (100% vaccination) of vaccinations is February 17, 2022 in Japan and December 2022 in the Philippines. The third inoculation will be completed on June 17th in Japan and after 2023 in the Philippines. Due to the faster inoculation rate in the Philippines, the second inoculation will be completed by 2022. As such statistical common sense, 100% inoculation cannot be completed, so it may be judged by an approximate value.



Figure 3. Predicted results of infection convergence time at present






3. Summary

Recently, the word evidence has become popular in the media. Evidence is a rationale. Infection reports are also reported without any rationale, so it is easy to generate various speculations. This blog defines evidence as a quantitative database. Quantitative means being able to talk numerically. I've put into practice the need to speak numerically in this blog in the case of a pandemic. I assert that theories without numerical data are speculations, delusions, or superstitions. Even so, I didn't expect modern people to be so lacking in evidence.

Can you go to fieldwork in the Philippines? I expect that visa-free travel will come relatively early, as the Philippines is a tourism-oriented country. When the Omicron strain converges, the world's pandemic will end, unless the next new virus emerges.





Shooting data

Kyoto City: Nikon Df, 28-300mm / F3.5-5.6

ISO6400, focal length 28mm, exposure compensation 0, f / 5.6, 1/8

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