


2009-02-07 12:10:48 | オピニオン



Was Prime Minister Aso's remark taboo?

Prime Minister Aso made the negative remarks about the privatization of postal services and public criticism is occurring. But I will say this is not necessarily wrong.

Think what happened in the privatization of postal services. Fee was raised, the service became bad. ATMs and postboxs in the neighborhood were gone. People have realized this and perhaps the most disappointing.

Once a route is decided, just going ahead is the logic of officialism. They have wasted many public works with that logic before. But good managements of private companys will never do in such a way. External environment is changing and the project may be no more dffective. So good managements revue the projects regularly, and correct the course of action if necessary. I will say that regarding the negative remarks as taboo will not democratic. What is required now is ,irrespective of ideology,debating with data and cool head, not regarding any statement as taboo.

Thank you.

首相「郵政見直し」発言に波紋 自民、路線対立再燃の懸念(産経新聞) - goo ニュース

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