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G7外相会合 広島宣言2016.04.11 全文

2016-04-12 12:26:12 | 戦争と平和

 G7外相会合 広島宣言 全文


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G7 Foreign Ministers’ Hiroshima Declaration
on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

Hiroshima, Japan, 11 April 2016

We emphasize the importance of our meeting in Hiroshima seventy one years after
World War II, which unleashed unprecedented horror upon the world. The people of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced immense devastation and human suffering as
a consequence of the atomic bombings and have rebuilt their cities so impressively.

In this historic meeting, we reaffirm our commitment to seeking a safer world for all
and to creating the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons in a way that
promotes international stability. This task is made more complex by the deteriorating
security environment in a number of regions, such as Syria and Ukraine, and, in
particular by North Korea’s repeated provocations.

We welcome conclusion and continuing implementation of the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between E3/EU+3 and Iran, which
demonstrates the resilience of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons (NPT) as the cornerstone of the international non-proliferation architecture.
We are determined that the JCPOA be fully and rigorously implemented, for which
the verification activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are key.

We emphasize our strong commitment to the NPT in all aspects. We urge states that
have not yet done so to become parties to the NPT without delay and without
conditions. We strongly support the full implementation of the provisions of the NPT
across all three of its “pillars” (non-proliferation, disarmament, and the peaceful uses
of nuclear energy). We reaffirm the central role of the IAEA and its safeguards

No state should conduct a nuclear test explosion and all states should sign and
ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty without delay and without
conditions to achieve the early entry into force of the treaty. As a priority, we call
upon the Conference on Disarmament to immediately begin negotiations on a treaty
banning the production of fissile material for use in nuclear weapons or other
nuclear explosive devices.

Over the years there have been significant reductions in nuclear arsenals of
nuclear-weapon States. Further progress-whether unilateral, bilateral or multilateraltoward
a world without nuclear weapons, can only be achieved if we take a
determined, realistic and incremental approach, while enhancing international
security. In accordance with Article VI of the NPT, we will be persistent and active
advocates of continued reductions in nuclear weapons globally, and call upon all
states to make such efforts.

We welcome the efforts taken by the nuclear-weapon States in the G7 that have
enhanced transparency. We urge others to do the same.

We urge all states to work with us on practical and realistic initiatives that can
promote meaningful dialogue on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation among
all, including between nuclear-weapon States and non-nuclear-weapon States.
It is essential to continue to strengthen national export controls on sensitive goods
and technologies in order to prevent the proliferation of WMD to states and non-state
actors. All states must implement fully all relevant UNSCRs including UNSCR 1540.
We invite all states to contribute to the goal of non-proliferation by enforcing export
controls consistent with the guidelines of the international export control regimes.
We will actively implement the Final Communique and the Action Plans of the 2016
Nuclear Security Summit and will support the central role of the IAEA in this area.
We are committed to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and will continue to work
with the IAEA to promote the highest standards of non-proliferation, nuclear safety
and security.

For decades, political leaders like us and other visitors have come to Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and been deeply moved. We hope others follow that path. We share the
deep desire of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that nuclear weapons never be
used again.


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