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2012年05月10日 | 読書2

John Bridges and Bryan Curtis “50 THINGS EVERY YOUNG GENTLEMAN SHOULD KNOW : What to Do, When to Do It, and Why” 2006年10月、Rutledge Hill Press


John Bridges :テネシー州のナッシュビル市のcultural affairsの前director。
Bryan Curtis:数冊の本の編集者。



1. Saying “Please”
“Can somebody over there press nine?” ではなく、”Would someone press nine, please?”

3. Saying “Excuse Me?”
何か悪いことをしていないのなら、”I’m sorry” と言う必要はない。
(欧米では”I’m sorry”は「すみません」ではなく「謝罪します」との感覚なのだろう)

4. Making an Apology
本当にあなたが悪いことをしたと思ったときに、”I’m sorry”と言おう。
(前2つは、ぶん殴られても仕方ない例で、これに比べ3つ目は”I’m sorry”というほどのことなのだろうか)

12. Listening to and Taking to Adults
>You do
Remove your ear buds, turn down the television, or take a break from your video game when an adult wants to talk to you.
>You don’t
Say, “I’m busy now” or “Can’t you see I’m busy?” or “I’ll get back to you when I’m done”

A gentleman looks adults in the eye when he is talking to them.

13. Shaking Hands
>You do
Wait for a lady to extend her hand to you before you offer to shake her hand.
>You don’t
Try to break her hand by grasping her hand too tightly.

15. Accepting a Gift You Don’t Like
16. Accepting a Gift You Like
17. Writing a Thank-You Note

18. Selecting a Gift
A gentleman puts some effort into presenting his gift. He does his best when it comes to wrapping them. If he is not good at folding paper and tying bows, he puts his presents in a gift bag.

A gentleman does not need to ask someone what that person wants for any special occasion. If he pays attention to the likes and dislikes of the people around him, he will already know the right thing to do.

A gentleman does not give bad gifts to anyone. Not even his sister.

29. Using a Napkin
>You do
Put your napkin in your lap as soon as you sit down at the table.
Put your napkin in your seat when you have to leave the table for any reason during the meal.
The other people sitting at your table don’t want to look at your dirty napkin while they are trying to eat.

40. Borrowing and Sharing
If a gentleman breaks something he has borrowed, he finds a way to replace it or to repair it.
A gentleman does not borrow anything that he can’t afford to replace or repair. He thinks twice before asking to borrow an expensive item.

Gloogle Books

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