「キエフ燃ゆ 地球の裏の 吊るし雛」Kyiv on the other side of the earth burns. The hanging chicks sway. 紅氏の友人がウクライナ在住。日本への避難を勧めたとのこと。しかし、母国を離れる気はないようです。ちなみに、原子炉に攻撃が及ぶと放射能の汚染はヨーロッパ全土に広がるといわれています。キエフの惨状を伝えるニュース。吊るし雛がゆっくりと揺れています。撮影地、目黒雅叙園「小さな世界」https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000075.000041601.html
Beni-san’s friend lives in Ukraine. She advised her to evacuate to Japan. However, she seems determined to stay in her home country. If a nuclear reactor is attacked, radioactive contamination is said to spread throughout Europe. News telling the tragedy of Kyiv. The hanging “Hinakazari” are shaking slowly.